
Don't you think that this is an anti-Japan thing rather than an anti-whaling thing?

by Guest57024  |  earlier

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Kind of obvious that it's racism.

Where da h**l is the trace of whales in this?


Aussie friends, it's okay to hate us, just don't try to cover it with the whaling issue. It's a different thing.

By the way the new Australian president Kevin Rudd favours the Chinese who hate the Japanese. By bashing the Japanese, Australia is treated nicely by China and thus benefits. In addition, Rudd is struggling in his political situation at the moment, and figures that the Japanese whaling is a great thing to take the people's attentions away from his faults. It's the perfect target.

Ah and I remember the greenpeace people raided the Japanese ships and the Japanese sailors actually had a tempura meal with the Aussie invaders. The greenpeace though says that the Japanese had abducted them. Or something like that. Hahahaha.

(I've never eaten whales before. Don't plan to either.)

Hmmm what do you think?




  1. It doesn't look the slightest bit racist to me.  They're associating a symbol of Japan (the flag) with an act that they feel is spilling unnecessary blood (whaling) that is done by Japan.  Connecting a symbol of a country to an act that country endorses and engages in is hardly racism.

    Just as associating the American flag with the Iraq war is not's just a fact of the situation.  There are plenty of American war protesters who make signs showing the American flag running with blood.  Does that mean they are anti-American?  No, it just means that they are making a statement that US policies have led to bloodshed.

    And as an American, I can vouch that there are plenty of other countries that hate our country, but the issues they protest are still valid.  Those issues aren't any less important just because the people hated our country to begin with.  We should always listen to our critics, as that's the only way we can improve and learn.  

    I'm always surprised when I visit Canada and see the issues that they are angry about with the US.  Things I'd not even heard of, like fishing rights in disputed areas!  The US often doesn't give any air time to these problems, yet they're major issues for our neighbor.  It's important for us to start recognizing the fact that we are all affecting other countries  in ways we might not want to acknowlege.  We need to listen to these voices so we can be better neighbors and better world citizens.

  2. I went to the site you made a link to and the entire story is about whaling. So I can't understand your question.

    There may be some Australian ill feeling towards Japan. The Japanese bombed Darwin in an unprovoded atttack in WW II and the Aussies haven't forgotten that.

    As for eating whales, it is recognized that aboriginal peoples in the Far North have always had whale as part of their diet, this is why no one criticizes Inuit peoples who hunt whales. But the Japanese, like the Icelanders and the Norse, don't need to hunt whales to survive, and they are truly magnificent animals. They're also endangered, which is the main reaosn not to hunt them.

    As for trade benefits with China vs. Japan, every country is selfish when it comes to trade.

  3. I think that the Japanese are heartless in the way they kill dolphins and whales, but in the same breath I am ashamed that my country lets live sheep export happen. So, both of our countries have many things to be ashamed of. To say that Aussies hate you is quite an offensive remark, how do you know that we hate you? Maybe a lot of us disagree with the whaling just as we disagree with our live sheep export.

    It was actually two men from the boat named the "Steve Irwin" that boarded the Japanese whaling ship. This boat is from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, not Greenpeace. If you care to read this link....

    One man was Australian and the other British and the Sea Shepherd Society was formed in America with ties to Canada.

    So, maybe you can see that Aussies are not being racist against the Japanese people themselves, just the barbaric whaling.

  4. the japanese hunt whales, the iraqis hang g**s in public.

    an iraqi might legitimately point out that he himself has never hanged a g*y - but the point is that one is responsible for the actions of one's country for as long as one does not actively oppose them. (and perhaps even when one does).

    it is legitimate for other countries to criticise the iraqis for hanging g**s, the saudis for publicly beheading teenage girls who have s*x, and the japanese for whaling.

    it is not racism to disapprove of someone for doing something which is wrong.

  5. I agree with Gavin!  I also went to the link you provided.  It is an anti Whaling thing.  Maybe, you need to visit the site again yourself.

  6. I deffinetly agree with you, bloody racists any excuse to attack foreigners.

  7. It is not racist - it is well known that Japan is one of the main whaling countries - and the anti-whaling protest is directed towards the Japanese.

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