
Don't you think the VP debate would have been much better if Obama would have picked Hilary instead? ?

by  |  earlier

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I was a Hilary supporter but Im all for Obama now,




  1. Yes. I'd like to see some b-slapping.

  2. The electoral authorities would get sued for theft of copyright or something by the Jerry Springer show.

  3. Hillary wants to be President.

  4. Frogs would have grown wings before Obama would have picked Hilary for VP.  She was to far above his pay grade.

  5. No, but maybe, with this crowd anyway, a pinup that is also neck deep in big oil.  

  6. if i am not mistaken ,hillary said early on and so did obama that neither one would settle for vp under any condition. So many dems wanted what they called the dream ticket.  

  7. YES!!

  8. That would have been a good cat fight.

    What's Biden gonna do now?

  9. I would just stay home on Super Tuesday if it were Hilliary.

    Her husband was the reason I became a Republican in the first place! Zoom! Zoom!

  10. If Hilary was picked from the beginining, McCain would have never chose the Alaskan chick.

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