
Don't you think the weather was beautiful today?

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it was such a lovely day today don't u think?




  1. Yes it's been lovely. I wonder how long it will last!

  2. yes it was but their is a funder storm coming next

  3. It was gorgeous here in Florida today.  Kind of cool by our standards and sunny with no threat of rain.   It may be this way for several days precipitation wise.

  4. Oh girlfriend the weather was so very niceI was in it today! And loving it bt now its dark and cold again!

  5. Today is a shinny day in Hong Kong but it is a bad day to me as I can't make the targeted appointments for my job.

  6. Absolutely.

  7. yes it's been lovely here, but wot about those poor people in Burma?

  8. Not in my area. The wind was so bad that we had dust storms for much of the day.

  9. Indeed yes,I want more.

  10. it was a nice day today were i live the temperature was 17 degrees celsius and it was sunny in miford haven

  11. yes - it was lovely..  and i've finally been able to get out in the garden and plant my vegetables.  there's been that much rain & cold weather recently that i've had to wait longer than usual to plant the seeds.

  12. Today wasn't too bad. Temps in mid 70's here in virginia and sunny. As long as it doesn't get above 80. I think 80 degrees is hot. I like it when it is in the upper 60s to near 70s. But today was nice yeah

  13. Wonderful!

  14. Yes, it makes you feel good.......

    Gives you hope that summer is here yipee........

  15. certainly...!......was a great warm spring day.....birds were singing all day.....a warm breeze to slightly mess my hair.....yep....hope tomorrow will be the same....

  16. No, i think you are a fruit.

  17. It was a magnificient day, it is just warning us of better to come.

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