
Don't you think this is quite Shocking?

by Guest63406  |  earlier

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  1. Here in America we would sue the c**p out the the railway for not providing enough safety measures to keep us away!

  2. Yes that is,

    The double tradgey story is even worse!

    Her daughter dies in a car accident, then the ladies brother and her granddaughter dies in a car accident on their way to the funeral. The devil was in full form here.


  3. Made me laugh

  4. It is awful  you come on here and make fun out of such a terrible incident.Live rails should never be allowed,until a train is within 50 mtrs.It is not adifficult thing to do but of course it would be expensive.The family must sue the responsible party.

  5. Look if u have to go - why shouldnt u leave a bit of humour behind. I know it sounds wicked but I lmho.

    It was quick!

  6. did you intend the pun?!

    and i've never heard of something like that before!! :-o

  7. hahaha.. I see what you did there.. shocking... yes very good. Well done.

  8. yes its awful, usually when people die on train lines its because they want to, this is just a freak accident and pure bad luck

  9. no sympathy for him.

  10. OMG OWWWWW!!!!

  11. i heard this earlier and thought poor guy, then thought that spending a penny cost him his life

  12. I bet he won't do that again!

  13. this sounds like an Urban myth

    is somebody taking the pi$$?

    i travel all lot through vauxhall on the way to Waterloo never seen a Polish man get fried yet

  14. yes, it is sad.

  15. Now thats what I call electrifying. The railway companies should post more of these signs:

    Prosimy nie p**s na tory kolejowe!

  16. Literally!

    I got a better one for you.  Once some firemen had been battling a huge forest fire.  After getting the fire under control, they were walking through the burnt out forest.  They were surprised to find a scuba diver lying charred on the ground with all his equipment on.  How did he get there?

    He was accidentally scooped out of a nearby lake by a hellicopter that was dumping water on the forest fire!

  17. it's stupid. sorry, but i really think it's stupid.

    he could have thought of a safer place if there's no proper place to do it.

  18. meat balls cooked in a split second,,

    Sorry I could not resist,

  19. That'll teach him to take the p-iss out of British rail sandwiches!!....

  20. omg! yes. thats crazy sad but u cant help 2 laugh a bit. but it is really sad

  21. shocking for him

  22. shocking, yeah I get it. you've still got to laugh though haven't you.

  23. Thats so sad and creepy. One of those freak accidents =( His poor family.

  24. sounds like somthing my dad would do

  25. Hehe.

    Shocking indeed.  I bet he thought so eh.

    He should have waited and just did what everyone else on trains seems to do...p**s all over the toilet cubicle...

    It's a sad story though when you consider, he had a family.

  26. Yes, but the shock has worn off now that I've seen it so many times!

  27. very shocking. not the way i want to go.

  28. terrible.

  29. He got what he deserved, urinating in a public place, I ask you!

  30. is shocking - but...anybody that walks onto a train track to urinate...has to be a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic - if you get my drift

    sad...but it could have been avoided...surely he had trains in his country?!!

  31. Roasted nuts $2 each.-sorry

    Truly sorry the guy died but stupid is stupid does.

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