
Don't you think this is wrong?

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Every school in NYC is teaching global warming and climate change from one side of the story. They are only teaching what they believe. This is wrong, teachers keep saying its all man made and all, thats their side of the story for crying out loud!!!!!

My teacher is now saying global warming is no longer a it still is a theory..

she should teach every point of view of global warming weather its true or not!!!!!




  1. I totally agree, they should present both sides.

  2. I am with you on this.  Global warming is the junk science du jour.

  3. We humans aren't great enough to cause global warming.  The earth goes through periods of cold and hot.....dinosaurs/ice age etc....humans will adapt some animals will become extinct, others will be recreated, etc....

    I agree with you....all ideas should be taught

  4. They are teaching mainstream science, not what you just so happen to believe. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

    Should they teach gravity, or that little pixies pull us down to the ground, because I'm sure there is some crackpot, competing theory out there like that.

    How about evolution vs. creation? Should we teach both of those? Remember, science only states organisms evolve. They never said god didn't start it.

    There is a reason schools teach it, the overwhelming majority of scientists on the planet agree with the theory, for crying out loud!!! Get over it.

    EDIT - tiggs1515, I would like for you to show the so-called studies debunking the theory. If you had them, you would post them.

  5. I totally agree with u.

  6. Students should be taught only that which is true.  The problem is that there is much disagreement about the "truth" of global warming.

    The IPCC and its reports are the "bible" of global warming believers.  Let's look there.

    Ask your teacher if it is acceptable to announce conclusions without supporting data.

    Hurricane expert resigns because lead author announces that global warming causes more hurricanes when no supporting data exists:

    IPCC procedures allow the data to be changed to match the conclusions.  Go here:

    and search for this on page 4 in the 3rd paragraph:

    "Changes (other than grammatical or minor editorial changes) made after acceptance by the Working Group or the Panel shall be those

    necessary to ensure consistency with the Summary for Policymakers or the Overview Chapter"

    Why would they have to change the data part?  What did the Summary for Policymakers not match the data?

    Ask your teacher if this is accepted practice at your school.  Can you change the data to support your conclusion?  If not, why should you accept any part of the data or conclusions of the IPCC report when the conclusions do not need to be consistent with the data and the data can be changed?

    go to:

    Read this and all other material on the site.  A high school students refutes CO2 as the cause of global warming.

  7. Yes you should teach every angle on climate change.  1st reason, climate change in the past definitely was not man-made and CO2 did not drive the temperature change...  The temperature rose then the CO2 levels rose.  With today's current warming, its still up in the air as to who or what the culprit is.. so we should teach every angle.  You job should be in class to voice out opinions that are not of her own and question authority.  People in your class who do not know any better will ultimately believe it is man-made before the science is settled.  Science is never settled especially in this case as of now.  If she is a teacher then she should know the difference between theory and fact and should know better than to make it such a narrow minded classroom.

  8. The teachers are correct.  The theory is accepted, like the atom, evolution and gravity.  You disagree with it for political reasons (as do a lot of people), but university meteorological departments teach it, and it is widely accepted world wide by 1000s of scientist who have actually researched it.  I suppose you disagree with teach evolution too.

  9. i definetly agree. have you ever seen An Inconvientent Truth by Al Gore? well if you haven't its a great way to show many people's opinions on it. they should definetly teach not only their side but other more in power's people's opinion. like Obama's

  10. Yes, it is wrong.  Ask your teacher what was cut from the curriculum to make time for this chapter.  What useful knowledge are you being denied because she and her ilk wish to push their brand of socialism?  If global warming is such a threat, wouldn't it be better to teach you the fundamental math and science required to SOLVE this problem?

    Regurgitate the answers she want, know the difference, and remember she's in a lower socio-economic class and most likely can't do simple division without a calculator.

  11. I agree.  Especially since more and more scientific studies are being released which debunk global warming.  Many members of the IPCC have quit and come out against the report.  The scienfic evidence is stacking up against it.  

    The Earth was around millions of years before humans and will be millions of years after we are long gone.  It is arrogant for us to think we could single handedly destroy it from simply using resources and fossil fuels the Earth provides to us.

  12. Assuming that you're in a science class, the teacher must teach you SCIENCE.  Scientifically, there is no debate about global warming.  Of course, the politicians are still debating it.  This should be covered in a government or politics class, not in science.

  13. Sounds like she is doing her job well.  Sure it's a theory, but so is the current concept of gravity.  The question you want to ask yourself is "Am I floating away as a result?"

  14. Yes I think it's wrong.    There's a big difference between the "theory" of evolution and the "theory" of man-made global warming.

  15. I agree, just like evolution isn't taught

  16. It should be teached in a way proportionate to the science.  Nothing wrong with covering skeptical papers, as long as the overall picture is shown to provide context for them:

    "Prof. Naomi Oreskes (Dec. 2004)... surveyed 928 scientific journal articles... 75% agreed with the consensus view (either implicitly or explicitly), 25% took no stand one way or the other, and none rejected the consensus.

    The public however is led to believe that global warming is controversial by a very sophisticated and well funded effort underway to convince people of that.  The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, documents how the media supports the false appearance of controversy on the topic of global warming:

    Creating controversy where science finds consensus

    "A new study has found that when it comes to U.S. media coverage of global warming , superficial balance—telling "both" sides of the story—can actually be a form of informational bias."

    Media False Balancing Allowed Extreme Views to be Treated Same as Scientific Consensus

    The sometimes truthless nature of media and advertising should be taught to the kids too.  Too many adults these days simply believe what's convenient.  With the sophistication of industry propaganda campaigns these days, our children need to develop much greater crticial thinking skills.

    Kent M -

    Yes, there is a difference.  Global warming has a lot more observational data points than the theory of evolution, and has survived a lot more scientific scrutiny, hasn't it?

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