
Don't you think we need a hefty tax on fast food?

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Prices of food keep going up but you can still buy a double cheese for a dollar. With the obesity issue in the United States we need a 50 percent tax on fast food to try and deter people from eating that garbage. Yes it is quit silly the government needs to watch out for people that don't have any common sense but if we don't do something about it now it will cost us much more when they have diabetes or heart disease.




  1. we need to rise up tax on fast food some to decrees the obesh in American

  2. are you big brother?

  3. That is a crazy idea.

  4. -No. If fat people want to eat, they will eat. If they can help our economy by supplying jobs for the workers that will spend that money else where.... Great. That is exactly what the economy needs.

    -By taxing them more, they will have to remove something from their budget... Could be health insurance than you, me and every other legal tax paying American will be paying for the medical bills...

  5. No they need to make heathy food cost less. Its there fault they are fat. stop eating that c**p.

  6. People know the risks of eating out but its free will and honestly if you rais the taxes the the economy will go down the cheaper the stuff the more people will spend so goverment will not do it and also WHY THE h**l WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THAT? THATS MESSED UP!! LOL

  7. I think the defintition of "food" needs to be changed before anything else.  Humans have only been eating this "food" for less than 60 years and our bodies are not used to it.

  8. Huh... Sin tax for fast food using the same justification as is used for taxing cigarettes and alcohol. Very interesting. Personally, though, I don't support sin taxes because the make a moral judgement, and selectively punish a group who are already paying sales tax.

    Still, I'd love to see junk food sin tax in the news if at least to get a debate going about sin taxes... almost as much as I'd like to see a debate on sin tax on birth control for unwed partners.

  9. no

  10. while you are at it, why not add a special tax on Y/A, beds, because people sleep to much and thus don't get enough exercise. oh, yeah, a special tax on ice cream, and how about hair dye, you know all those chemicals. why not just give the government full control, then we won't have to worry about making all those decisions for ourselves.    note the sarcasm in my tone

  11. not a good idea.

  12. Hey, and then maybe you can have the government tell you that too much TV is bad, and limit you to one hour a day.  

    And then, we can have them decide what jobs will be best for us.  I mean, after all, we are all obviously too stupid to make decisions on our own.

  13. h**l no!

    I like things the way they are with fast food.

  14. They don't really care about being healthy.  They are trying to find a way to add a tax that we will never be able to get rid of. This proposal shoudl die out in about a week.  Did you remembver the toll lanes for the carpool lanes?  Same thing.

  15. What more tax on POOR PEOPLE. I say eat up and you may die younger. That way cheaper for the living. I really don't know, I just tossed this up to show some other options. I think it belongs in the ball park of the family. Our generation and successive one are lazier and lazier. So fast food comes into play. We must control what our children eat as well as ourselves. A tall super-sized order. Don't you think?

    Good question.

  16. No we do not. We need less government and less taxes. Since we do not have universal healthcare, the cost will not affect you. ALso, if we had universal healthcare people would be better educated about eating and nutrition.  As for $1 menu it is great for people who are not rich.  ANy food can be bad for you if you over indulge

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