
Don't you wish God would talk to you, and tell you what to do in your life?

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How do you know that he wants you to praise him and his son, when he, himself never told you to do it?

Have you ever thought praising and worshiping God and Jesus was a waste of your time?

Don't you wish God would show you what he wants you to do with your life?

I still don't have a clue as for what he wants me to do.

How do you know God did all of those things in the past?




  1. Why Does God Seem Unreal?

    The creation is material, visible, and therefore seems real. The system of modern education has become entirely materialistic. The modern scientific concept denies the invisible and the spiritual as having existence. Yet all our seemingly unsolvable problems and the evils in this world are spiritual in nature.

    Spiritual things--invisible things--are a mystery to them. They do not understand those things, real though they are, because they cannot see them. They remain a deep mystery so they deny their existence.

    Is it any wonder, then, that the scholarly do not know WHO or WHAT God is? They believe what they have been taught.

    The billions now living on earth not only are ignorant of the most important knowledge--WHO and WHAT God is--they seem not to want to know! They are willingly in ignorance of this most important knowledge and relationship possible in human life!

    It is when we want to believe that He will open our eyes.  If you honestly pray for Him ti make himself real to you - you may get the answer you've been looking for - but you have to be serious about it too.


  2. He most certainly does speak to us!  We must listen, with our hearts, not our ears.

    I do know His purpose for me.  I listen and obey.  The thing is; He's got all the time in the world.  We don't!  If it takes us the rest of our life, sooner or later we will listen and obey His wishes, or else.  Just like dear ol' mom and dad!

    Once you have a relationship with Him, all things become clear and you won't have these questions.

    Try it, you may just think it is the best move you ever made!  I know I do!

  3. If He told you what to do face-to-face, would you do it?  He told you how to act and treat others through the ministry of Jesus Christ.  Do you do that?  Then why should He tell you face-to-face?  

  4. When I look around I cant help but give glory to God. I have never gone to bed cold or hungry. I have a roof over my head. I have my Mum & Dad. I know so many people who do not have these things. It becomes pretty apparent after prayer what God would have for me. I do not always like it, but it is what it is.

  5. Jeremiah 33:3  "Call out to me, and I will answer you- I will tell you great things, hidden things of which you are unaware."  

  6. I always thought praise was for ego boosting.

  7. He does , you just have to know his word to know what he is telling you

    tGod bless

  8. The logical answer to this question, obviously, is that gods do not exist, and you must determine YOURSELF what to do with your life.

  9. He does talk to me, but I have to be willing to quiet myself enough to listen.  Meditation

  10. No, that is what freewill and free thinking are all about



    We don't because we weren't there.

  11. Actions speak louder than words!

    Let your life speak for itself.

    People are tired of hearing what someone else thinks is so important they have to try and convince everyone to think as they do.

  12. Meditation is the best way to let yourself be connected with the Higher Power that guides you.

    If you meditate regularly, you will find the answers you seek...but know this (even the Bible tells you) be careful what you ask for.  The human mind is very deliberate - it doesn't recognize sarcasm, or "double-meaning" so you have to keep in mind to be very literal in what you are asking of the Universe/Deity/God/Higher Power, particularly when in a subconscious state as meditation.

    The thing that all of us should request is to be where we are supposed to be - whatever/wherever that is.  You may not now know, but the next best thing will be for you if you meditate on it - It Doesn't Always Happen Instantly either -- but since it's where you are supposed to be, it will be worth waiting for.

  13. Love everyone. Forgive everyone. Pray and meditate seeking ever only to do the Will of God. You will then come to know That Which Will Guide you in all you do. The Truth lives within each of, seek It out as if your life depends upon it, because in Truth it does. Have a nice day!

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