
Don't you wish guns were never created...?

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and weapons/wars were how they used to be where you had to get in close quarters with your enemy to fight them? That took bravery and skill rather than all these guns where you can be hundreds of metres from your enemy and still kill them just by firing random shots towards them, or landmines and atomic bombs and stupid stuff like that, it's cowardly.




  1. I saw a great bumper sticker yesterday...

    GUNS Kill People like SPOONS made Rosie O'Donnel fat!

  2. Guns create new countries

  3. Yes, wished they were never created.

  4. I think you better start rethinking things. Ranged combat has been a part of warfare long before the gun was invented. Early man would pick up sticks and stones and hurl them at his opponent in an attempt to kill them from a distance. Or at least injure or daze them badly enough that he could then close in and kill them off up close and personal without having to worry about being injured himself.

    From there mankind moved on to the spear. Of course the problem with the spear was the same as the problem with rocks and sticks, how far the individual can throw. The spear, being designed for thrusting or throwing, would go further but it's range was still limited. So the atlatl was invented to increase the range a man could throw a spear.

    Also the sling was created, increasing the range a stone could be thrown while decreasing the size of the stone. But the speed the smaller stone had impacted upon it from the throw inreased not only it's range but the damage it could due. While a spear pierces flesh from a distance, a stone from a sling can shatter bone and even could kill.

    Then came the bow and arrow, a combination of speed, range, and piercing ability. Suddenly range greatly increased. Enemy troops found themselves having to first face a hail of arrows, then a hail of spears before ever getting close enough to engage in hand to hand combat. Their ranks would be thinned out. Even worse, in ancient times the bow and arrow would be combined with the chariot. A well trained chariot team could drive the chariot onto the battlefield, the driver driving it past enemy forces while the passenger let arrows fly with deadly accuracy from close range. And it was virtually impossible to stop them with spears or bows and arrows of your own. Eventually the crossbow was made to replace the bow and arrow, offering more power to punch through armor and perhaps more accuracy in aiming.

    And what of artillery? That's what ballistae, catapults, and trebuchets were for. Bigger and heavier versons of what could be thrown or fired by hand could be fired by these weapons. And their range was even greater, allowing folks to keep a distance from their opponents longer. Or they could batter down defenses and thus allow you to get into the enemy's fort or castle that much faster.

    Bravery? As ranges have increased it's taken more bravery to actually get up and face the enemy. Look at the 19th century. Look at WWI and WWII. Men getting up and marching into the face of the enemies guns knowing that they could be mowed down long before they ever reach the enemies line. It's easier to turn and run, but men still stand and fight. That's not just training, not just having officers pushing you forward. In the heat of battle anyone who isn't terrified is either crazy or has a death wish. But it's bravery that keeps men there, that keeps them from listening to that little voice that says to run.

    Skill? It takes as much skill to fire and run while under fire if not more. Remember at one time most troops weren't well trained, which is why most weapons were also farming implements. Troops today are trained to move forward under fire while trying to dodge that fire. Trained to aim, either carefully when given cover or haistily in the direction of enemy fire, while under fire. And trained to cover each other in combat so as to be better likely to survive long enough to reach enemy lines. Not only that, their trained to assess the battlefield and make descions as to where cover is and where a good place to attempt a flanking manuaver is. And their trained to use grenades to deal with the enemy by talking out threats that might take longer with a gun. On top of all that their trained in hand to hand combat. Troops today have a far wider range of skills they have to rely on than troops in ancient or medival times.

  5. Shouldn't you be at sword practice instead of the computer? Before guns, there were bows, which also killed at long range. But firearms take a lot less training for proficiency, letting us do other things more, and practice shooting less than with other forms of weapons.

  6. No, I don't! Guns are used for self-defense. You see only the bad side of them. I'm a woman 165cm tall who weighs 48 kg. If a man twice my size tried to rape me or kill me, a gun is my best defense. If both of us had swords, he'd still have the edge.

  7. No, but i wish they were easier to get.

    The world would be chaotic if guns didn't exist because people are not good and guns don't kill, people do.

  8. Yeah light Sabre's are the way to go!

  9. I just wish people would never be violent to others ever, but then I am a bit of a dreamer, you would have though humans would have learnt to get along peacefully no matter what colour or Creed but no after all these thousands of years there are still those who get pleasure out of violence with no good reason that I can see, I personally will never understand why.

  10. perhaps you should read a book called "Gate to Womans  Country" by Sherri S Tepper, it seems to mirror your opinion in some ways.

    I agree guns have made it much eai8ser to kil others especially from a distance, where you don't have to come face to face with your victim, or the consequences of your actions.  But the fact is they were invented and improved on over the centuries so we are stuck with them

  11. I think this is a very valid question, because it relates so much to today's world.

    It could be argued that guns are a form of protection, and that they could be used only for defending one's self.

    However, the opposing argument could say that guns have created an evil menace- guns have killed. In the days where only swords were used in battle, you're right, it tokk bravery, because you had to be up close with your enemy. It took a skill to be able to do something like that. But all weaponry can be argued good/bad.

    All weapons that keep you away from your opponent are cowardly. All weapons, in fact are cowardly.

    Martial arts don't use weapons, but I could bet that you could defend yourself from people by using it.

    I said before that I thought swords were brave. I'm sort of gonna go against that argument because I've just thought of knives and All the people - teenagers- killed recently in the UK by knifes. It's a cowardly, horrible thing to do.

    So, my opinion is that we should have never have created guns; even if they have saved us.

  12. guns are created to prevent people from dying so easily.anyway you also need skill to aim.

  13. its too late. now that they(guns) exist we need 2 (most of us anyways) own guns 2 protect us and loved ones from other guns, etc. it goes on and on and on...

  14. h**l NO!  someone would've invented them anyway...we never stop life and death....always finding easier ways to live and cannot be stopped. we only get lazier while our brains get bigger. It takes physical strength to wield a sword...and time to swing it smarter....then comes the bravery. to the soldier who commented earlier...thanx for your service...I am a vet as well...and proud of it.

  15. Actually, war is stupid, but mankind has always wanted what the other has.

    No, weapons are necessary in some ways. They help in getting food, for protection, and security, simply because man is so greedy.

    I have been in combat, both long range and close quarter, and I'll take long range any day. I have the scars to prove it.


  16. In my opinion, it takes more bravery to charge a machine-gun nest, walk through a mine field, or withstand an artillery barrage than to fight someone with a sword.

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