
Don't you wish there would be town hall type meetings, so we could ask the candidates questions, such as?

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To Barack Obama, I would like to ask him, in response to his acceptance speech, when he said: 'It should ensure opportunity not just for those with the most money and influence, but for every American who's willing to work.' How does he feel about those unwilling to work, and how will he attempt to clean up our welfare system as currently constituted? It is my opinion, and my opinion only, since this question will go unasked, that he would say there are no Americans unwilling to work, that those are truly unable to work, due to being victims of this or that.

I think this is one of the leading problems facing the economy of this nation, the support of millions who feel entitled to other people hard earned wages, and the government has an obligation to those of us who work to correct this action.

Does anyone else agree there should be these type of forums?




  1. Yes. I also would like to him explain how he plans on creating 5 million jobs in the next four years. Where? How? What job positions? AND...How will you actually get us off foreign oil in the next ten years when you don't support increased coal, drilling or nuclear energy? Is there that much sun and wind to run the whole World? Please tell us Senator.

  2. 'but for every American who's willing to work.' Notice he said the phrase 'willing to work'.

    You are acting like he said the following:

    'It should ensure opportunity not just for those with the most money and influence, but for every American  willing or unwilling to work.'

  3. Obama would not survive such a debate...  

  4. yes I do.

    Senator McCain tried but obama would not do it.

  5. those type meetings are a joke , with preselected questions

    we learn nothing by the way they are set up


  7. I would like you to explain exactly how you will cut taxes andhow you will give middle class americans a  break.

  8. I don't understand people like you.

    You mention welfare like it's this great drain on the American economy......yet you don't seem to mind the trillions being BORROWED and Spent,  on Iraq by YOUR Team of cracker jack financial whizzes...........who have not a CLUE how to pay any of that money back, or balance the budget.

    But yeah.........let's go after  those lazy welfare cheats......


  9. They should reform the welfare system and drug test everyone that applies for assistance, I had to go through a drug test for my job like many people had to so if welfare is going to be their job they should be drug tested and be subject to random drug tests.

  10. Obama is against those who rely on the system.

  11. Obama will not do town hall meetings that are not carefully screened because he can't answer those questions. John McCain has had thousands of town hall meetings and has answered all questions asked. That is why he did so well at Saddleback. He knows what he Believes in and CAN answer all by himself.

    I do not know what you have heard but do you know Obama's health care plan will give 12,000,000 illegal immigrants health care that we will have to pay for?

    I would much rather have the 5,000.00 from McCains plan and get my own. At least it will be mine.

  12. Don't you remember the flag pin question?

    I honestly think the public got its right to ask questions revoked with that one. We just have to admit that there are people who shouldn't be given a microphone.

  13. I agree with your question wholeheartedly but you forget to ask Mc Cain if he supports teen pregnancy and accountability of the parents to make it fair.

  14. Ask Sarah Palin whether her last child is actually her grandchild

  15. You can ask them at the second presidential debate!

    Moderator  by Tom Brokaw

  16. I hope they will happen soon so McCain can make obama look like an idiot just like at the Saddleback Forum it's so easy to see who the right candidate is when you get them together and obama doesn't have his teleprompter to tell him what to say  

  17. Obama AVOIDS this type of debate because by speaking only in generalities he can continue to bamboozle his followers. He can make grandiose promises with no explanation of how he will accomplish what he promises. He can speak of "change" with out specifics to appeal to those who believe that the government can make their lives better.

    Smoke and Mirrors from a snake oil salesman.

  18. Of course that type of forum would be appealing to almost every voter. . . but as a previous answerer said, the questions for BOTH candidates are preselected, so who knows if your general topic will be discussed.

    I can tell you, though, that Obama supports welfare-to-work programs to get people off of welfare. I listened to his acceptance speech in its entirety, and nowhere did he claim that there are just some folks who deserve a free ride forever. And neither would we Democrats support such a notion!

    I, personally, would like to ask people like you & McCain: Don't you feel, as a Christian & an American, that you have a responsibility to help ensure the well-being of your fellow Americans? And by "help," I don't mean "hand-out"; I mean policies such as welfare-to-work, and removing tax breaks for corporations that outsource jobs overseas.

    Surely we can agree that the government has an obligation to protect American jobs & create better opportunities for its citizens?

  19. Don't you wish there would be town hall type meetings, so we could ask the candidates questions, such as?

    Barack Obama doesn't like town hall meetings because the questions are unscripted and he doesn't get a teleprompter.  Check out this link to a Florida town hall meeting where he gets heckled and then booed by people in the audience.  It's funny how worked up he seems to get and you can tell that he is because he starts stuttering.  He then tries to buy some time by telling the crowd to quiet down and be respectful. I think this is the first time that Obama has faced a crowd that wasn't completely in awe of him and it caught him off guard.  I wonder if he really is so arrogant that he believes everyone loves him.

    Video -

    News Article -

  20. Exactly.

    I would love to ask McCain how he plans to pay for a war that he intends to continue without raising taxes.

    How will he pay for Bush's mistake, and what would appear to be his own now, without raising funds to do so?

    How will he pay off the National Debt, how will he salvage the dollar, if he isn't going to raise funds to do so.

    Because while welfare is ONE of the leading causes, the Iraq War is THE leading cause of the huge rise in the National Debt.  By extension, its also the leading cause of the precipitous drop in the value of the dollar, because of that very National Debt's meteoric rise.

    How is McCain going to comfort us after our economy falls into Depression?

    I would dearly love to find out how, so I also would like to have some type of forum for this.  

    Unfortunately, we have that "liberal" media that spends most of its time asking Obama about Reverend Wright and refusing to ask McCain about his failure of an economic plan; and they are the ones who will be mediating this.  

  21. I've seen some people ask disingenuous/stupid questions. When Bush and Clinton were debating, some woman asked "How has the slump in the economy affected YOU personally?" (I think that was the first time I ever heard Bill Clinton's "I feel your pain" slogan). Bush looked taken aback by the question, and he was right. It was irrelevant whether he had suffered financially or not - Bill certainly hadn't. The only issue should have been how he intended to help things improve.

    That would be like finding out I had cancer, and then refusing to seek treatment from a world-renowned physician, because he had never HAD cancer himself.

    The people who are unwilling to work are skewed toward Obama, if they're skewed towards anyone. Imagine their surprise when, if Obama's elected, nothing changes for them because THEY don't change THEMSELVES.  

    *Sigh* What will be the eventual cost if we DON'T fight?

    No one ever thinks of that.

    And to get a tax rebate, I believe you had to have filed an income tax return.

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