
Don't you wish we had $20 gas...yesterday?

by  |  earlier

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I can't wait for prices to go up ro $20 (a gallon?) so people will stop polluting our air and harming our fragile planet and eco-systems. They will never stop otherwise because of their gluttony!




  1. I am with you on this one. It is amazing but every one seems to think that oil is the only source of energy we have. Check out some of the other answers. They seem to think that society will crumble without cheap gas. If the price of gas goes up then the consumer AND the manufacturer will be forced to A) alter there polluting lifestyle and B) find a source of alternative energy.

      I think many people have no idea of , for example, how many miles are driven in the states alone every year. The pollution from worn car tires alone is a disaster not to mention trying to dispose of them, then consider the co2 emissions AND the manufacturing of the car.

  2. not actually looking forward to that

  3. I wish that people could use gas more efficiently. Using those pick up trucks that many people are using in the USA with only the driver inside, doesn't make any sense. And I'm not talking about pple living in rural areas that need these trucks to haul stuff. I'm talking about people that live in suburban areas and use these trucks to commute. If you had to pay the prices we are paying in Europe you would use your cars more efficiently and you would invest in trains and public transport.

  4. Unfortunately, people are reluctant to change. People will rally against it. Some rich people will still buy it. Transit buses will close. Power outages would occur. Tupperware would go bankrupt. Today's society depends on oil. We came to this because in the early 1900's people did not know what to do with the oil. There was so much they sold at such low prices. What we need to do is stop the building of oil running vehicles. There are technologies that allow cars to run on water. I'm not talking about hydrogen, i'm talking about water---search it on google.

    Actually, "man-made global warming" only contributes to 0.28% of total global warming. It is mostly mother nature's decomposition, breathing, etc. I'm not saying that we should not do anything about that 0.28% because that little bit is still a lot.

  5. What about the poorer people and maybe the lower middle class who are struggling because of high gas prices right now? Do you realize the negative impact this will have on their lives (since the price of food will probably go up) and on their jobs? Seriously, be considerate.

  6. If gas get to 20 dollars per gal.. do you realize what your food bill will be... how about your heating bill.. or even running the AC will cost. Don't worry, if gas get to 20 dollars per gal. you won't be able to afford any luxuries.

  7. i understand that you don't want to harm our planet.  but prices of gas going up to $20 a gallon only means that we are running out of it. which also means that a lot has been used. which also means that the world is very, VERY polluted.

    ever seen those hydrogen gas thingys from water?. they can be used to power devices/vehicles and do you know what they give off? (instead of smoke.. ) WATER!. cool huh? haha just saying

  8. Well you must be  a  wealthy person

    .. . ..

    I live in America and gas cost $3.98 a gallon and a jump to $20.00 a gallon well

    .. . ..

    Do you know what that would do to the price of everything we buy in the store

    .. . ...

    The price would go up 150% across the board

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    And talk about a collapse of an economy world wide

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    And you think global warming is a problem

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    I can guarantee you that we would see a new meaning to a world war EVERY nation on earth would be in caios collapse of governments world wide

    .. . ..

    Destruction on a scale never before seen by mankind on planet earth

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    And all because of retaliation against the countries who pump the oil and the people who control the price of the oil and the counties who have a stock pile of oil and fuels

    .. . ..

    I can bet you the car would become obsolete cause no one would have the parts to repair any one of them and all of mankind would eventually be out of work and

    .. .. ..

    We all would be in a state of every man for himself]

    You better have your self a good arsenal of weapons and tons of ammunition on hand

    .. . ..

  9. just wait till the farmers pay $20 dollars for gas. I`ll see you in the down town food line

  10. dude consider the working family and business's. Also the pensioners who get by on less then $150 a week. That'll be equivalent to throwing c**p at the pope!

  11. Answer <deleted> for the sake of being polite and not getting my Yahoo! Answers account suspended.

  12. I could go for $20 to fill up the entire tank. I drive a brown cloud machine. If i didn't need it for work, I'd be driving a little scooter, but that's the way it is.

  13. Perfect example of how warmers treating working people with contempt.  

    GW is a scam to get more money and power.

  14. Well that is not very smart.

    Just look at price of food now. What do you think that prices would be if we had $20 a gallon gas? There would be riots and starving people. No one could even afford to go to work.

  15. look old lady you can pay for my gas how about that ,its people like you that are hurting our economy

  16. Gas was under $2 a gallon just 3 or 4 years ago.  The price couldn't increase much more quickly without causing major problems for a lot of people.  I do believe gas has been too cheap for a long time, and people have become too dependent on it and too accustomed to it.  We're all used to driving everywhere we want to go.  Except for some major cities, public transportation is almost non-existent in the US.

  17. If you want society to end as we know it sure... Personally I like life and like to occasionally drive somewhere. And last time I checked we don't eat gas I think it would taste terrible. You are a Gore-ite a indoctrinated member of th usurpers clan. ILLUMINATI.

  18. No, I can't say that I do.  People still sometimes need to get around -- this especially necessitates a car in rural areas -- and we don't really have a ton of viable alternatives available on the market. . . especially not if you need the car tomorrow, or really even just in a week or two.

    While that may be a nice thought that you have, it just isn't going to have outcomes that are remotely practical for a heck of a lot of people.  Oh, or did you like living amidst riots and large-scale looting?

  19. We won't have to wait too long. It's already around $10 a gallon here in the UK - everybody I know is trying to drive less, not make unnecessary journeys. We now have "transition towns" - towns that are trying to become self reliant, grow their own food, share their labour, have their own currency. This is a growing phenomenon in Britain and is the way we're all going to go eventually.

  20. Well that seems sort of idiotic. Our economy runs on gas and coal, etc. Wishing it were higher will only hurt normal people, and it would crush the economy. This is like wishing for millions of people to starve and be out of work. Real nice. You may want to study economics before wishing for this.

    Although this is fairly typical of people on the left. They have no idea how economics works and this is why all liberal policies have the opposite effect than what they thought.

  21. are you nuts?  $20/gallon.... yeah.  Not when some of us depend on fuel to get us back and forth to work on so that we can make money to pay bills and live on!!!!  

    I can understand where you come from about "harming our fragile planet and eco-systems" but its been that way for many many years.

    This country isnt going to revert back to the old western days......  its not feasible...

    ... you either (a) must not have a job or (b) you live within walking distance of your work.

  22. Don't say that. :( It's hard for some people 'cause they don't get much pay. Don't wish for things people can't handle. :( Even if we ride bikes, it would take hours to get to work or school. Or whatever.

  23. Ya about that time your doctor will charge you five hundred dollars for a visit, tell you to take two aspirin and go home.

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