
Donald Rumsfeld.?

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Somebody told me that Donald Rumsfeld reinstated torture. I have a hard time believing that because that is not in any way what we stand for as America. Do you believe or know this to be true?? please leave a comment

Thanks, Meg :)




  1. Sometimes it depends on what the definition of torture is.  Just go to any school and observe lets say a math test.  These students will say they are being tortured and I bet you see a lot of praying too. So when they say they are reinstating torture please ask what torture they are talking about.

  2. Donald Rumsfeld does not stand for what we stand for in America.  Donald Rumsfeld stands for the best interests of multinational corporations around the world, Big Oil included.  Anyone who says otherwise is in denial, or blind, deaf and stupid.

  3. There are a lot of accusations about torture.  What there is not is actual evidence.

    The fact of the matter is that the people who are making the torture accusations are cowards.  They make these accusations because they know that the people they are accusing are forbidden to discuss what they did and thus cannot defend themselves.

    And the sad fact of the matter is that by the time the people involved can talk about what they did and clear their names - nobody will care.

    Edit: Gee 3 'thumbs down' - I guess some people cannot accept being challenged on their slander of the troops.

    Hint: If you are claiming that 'torture' occurred at Gitmo then you are accusing every US servicemember who served there of committing a felony.

    And yes, you are cowards who know that the people you are slandering cannot speak in their own defense.

  4. Yes, I believe so, and  secret documents of the CIA, which   were         recently revealed expose his position regarding toture

  5. It IS true - and the favourite method (along with many others I hasten to add, which have killed quite a number of US held inmates) is waterboarding.

    Sounds fun doesn't it?  Like surfing?

    But this is just another name for the Gestapo's favourite torture - the bain noire... a matter of historical fact and not in any way a secret.

    This does not cover the hundreds or thousands exported for torture by the CIA, to places like Uzbekistan, Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, although quite a number have died from beatings, sleep deprivation, heart attacks either under direct US control or that of the Iraqi's... under indirect US control. We have no idea how many nave been driven insane, which is common apparently.  Nor do we know how many have subsequently been proven innocent, but we know there are quite a few!

    So definitively the US uses, supports and promotes the use of torture by some of the very worst regimes on the planet... it has been proven on countless occasions.

    And as for Mr m1a1's spectacularly ill-informed answer, try googling School of the Americas at Fort Benning.  

    Also try John Negroponte + Guatemala + Honduras...

    Then ask yourself why Mr Negroponte was sent to Baghdad and described by the NYT as an American 'pro consul'... that term goes back to the time of the Roman empire... it means a centrally appointed dictator.  Why send him to Iraq after what happened to Guatemala and Honduras, associated with civil wars, disappearances, mass torture, mass murder, mass imprisonments??

    As for evidence, there are US government operatives testimonials, documents, photos - and dead bodies - to prove it.

  6. How quaint - Comparing a maths test to what happens in rendition stations and US military concentration camps.

    I've heard a LOT of arguments that the term "torture" is subjective, and that it really isn't torture per se, because it's done by Americans. You have to be totally insane to believe that bit of twisted logic.

    A few years ago, on British tv (Channel4), there was a televised experiment to see if those who thought the Guantanamo detainees were not being mistreated were right - they used text book interrogation techniques (Not even the "enhanced" interrogation) - sleep & sensory depravation, hypothermia, and psychological humiliation. Out of a dozen volunteers who thought that it would be nothing, NONE lasted more than a few hours, and this was the ultra lite version of "torture lite" as described by Donald Rumsfeld.

    "Using military manuals and declassified US government documents, Channel 4 had installed cages, interrogation rooms, and surveillance equipment to simulate Guantanamo's conditions and methods. But the volunteers, who had their own clothes torn and cut off and replaced with the trade-mark orange boiler suit, could not experience the full horror of the real Guantanamo, where the detainees range from teenagers to the elderly. "That would be too dangerous," said Snow. So, if the real Guantanamo practises what US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld has described as "torture lite," then this was going to be "torture lite" lite."

    It is absolutely true that Donald Rumsfeld has instituted torture as part of US policy. Besides the official version of torture which has been stated,  there are literally thousands of documents testifying severe beatings, sexual molestation, simulated drowning (waterboarding), electrocution, drug injections, and "terminal interrogations" - ie torture that leads to death - which have been conducted by the American intelligence services.

    There are 106 countries that are signatories of the ICC (International Criminal Court), which hold trials of the most serious nature including crimes against humanity and war crimes. The USA is noticeable by its refusal to sign up. The whole world is waiting for the next American president to join the ICC so that we can put the entire disgusting gang of American war criminals behind bars.
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