
Donate Wedding Dress in Minneapolis?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking for a local charity that specializes in donations of bridal gowns, bridesmaids gowns, etc and the gowns go to local women in need.

Any ideas or suggestions. Please Help.




  1. well, if its your dress from an ex husband- do what I did, and donate to your local dumpster. I threw all my wedding stuff in the dumpster, and someone had taken it within an hour. LOL

  2. I would call the local food shelf. I know that the Christian Cupboard in Woodbury takes clothing and has a room set up for people to go in and take clothes.

    I am going to donate stuff to in Minneapolis. This service is amazing for what they do and I can guarantee that they could get your stuff to someone in need.

  3. I know the goodwill takes them, and one of them even had a special bridal event, where people could come try them on, and they made it like a bridal shop with refreshments and stuff.  Not sure if they do this once a year or not (it was earlier this year, I believe in the Bloomington/Minneapolis area) I would call them and ask.

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