
Donating Eggs?

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I wanted to look around for a couple who can not concieve on their own, to donate eggs to. Do you know of anyone who would love to have their own children but can't? I am willing to answer any questions, if e-mailed, concerning the procedure.




  1. im pretty sure theres a website called they pay you a minimun of $6,000 i heard it on the radio u must be 19 or older tho, also are u sure thats something you really wanna do? I would sit down an think hard about a decision like that.

  2. how old r u? u look too young to donate eggs...

  3. Look online for a facility that connects families who want to conceive to the donors. Good luck. They pay tons, too. I'd think about it, but I'm not the type they generally look for (tall, blond, blue eyes, etc LOL!) I'm a short brunette! LOL!

  4. i want to do that too

  5. There are clinics all over the country who are looking for egg donors. Usually there is a very good payment for this because the procedure is actually involved and can be painful. However, the criteria for who may donate eggs varies by the state and clinic. For example, in our state (IL), most clinics want donors to be 30 years old or younger AND have already given birth to a full-term baby. Private egg donation is much trickier, so if you find an interested couple, pease include a knowledgable lawyer in the process.

  6. The proceedure is a little more in depth than answering a few questions. If are truely wanting to do this you need to find IVF clinic and ask about their egg donation programs.  You see to do this you will have to under go some blood test to test for some gentic disorders and common STD. The same thing pretty much as any person who goes to their Dr and says they want to start a family. Then you will visit with a psychologist. The potential couple will be doing the same. Then they will take a picture of you and and let the couple see it along with several others. If you are chosen, they will have to get your cycle and the birth mother's cycle in sinc.  You will have to take some fertility Drugs as they like to harvest at least 5 eggs. This does not come with out some risk to you. Fertility drugs can over stimulate you and cause pain and cyst on your ovaries as well premature menopause. Does it happen often, no, not if your suppervised properly. I did fertlity drugs for 4 years and only got over stimulated twice and never went into premature menopause. But I was not trying to be a donor, just to conceive.  When the times comes they will harvest the eggs and put the in a dish with the husband's sperm and after 2 or 3 days put them in the woman. Any left over eggs will be frozen and prehaps used later. Generally, you get a small compesation for your time. Some medical students do this for extra money. Its a nice gesture, but don't try to do it without the help of a clinic checking out your couple okay. Take care

  7. You can get paid to donate eggs just go to a fertility clinic.....

  8. perhaps you should contact a doctor or lawyer
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