
Donating to countries in africa?

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Am I the only one out there that feels like it's sort of turned into a waste of money. I feel like for the amount of time some of these organizations have been around (40+yrs) and with all the money they've been able to raise, that by now they should have atleast one small country up and running. I can't help but think that MOST of the money we give goes into their pockets. Sure it's non-profit, but the owners need a little dough too and IMO this is one of the biggest scams the government and such have played out.

What do you think??




  1. Even none profit organizations has President and board members, they get paid first, then the charity gets the rest. If you donate one hundred dollars, after salaries are paid, maybe two cents goes to the charity. King  of like the Clinton's charity , the charity flying under another name, is actually the Clinton's money... you know the one she borrowed from to continue her lost cause campaign.  No different, just a way for the Clinton's to cook the books and commit more tax fraud.

  2. Send Obama to give speeches where he belongs.And put the Clintons back in charge of America. I'm 60 yrs old and I never had it so good in my life then when the Clintons ran things.

  3. Why do you care if organizations CHOOSE to donate to causes in Africa?  It's not your money.....

  4. I really don't think non-profits are allowed to get countries up and running. That is left to the citizens of that country.

    If I was going to donate to one of these un-named organizations, it would be a church group. I definitely wouldn't want it going to a group with a political agenda like the UN.

    Now for the fiduciary make-up of most non-profits, the board members are rarely paid. They may get travel and lodging allowance, but that's about it. The paid staff who are actually doing the work are not on the policy side of the organization so they can't tell the board where, why, or when to spend the money they raise. There are a lot of hoops NPs have to jump through and if they don't the IRS can be a little hard on them.

  5. So saving lives is wasting money now? It's far more complicated than you apparently can be bothered to try and understand, getting a country going.

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