
Donor Recognition Dinner?

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I work in a hospital foundation and we're having a donor recognition dinner in October. During this recognition dinner, we will also be unveiling our new donor recognition wall. We want a special guest speaker during the evening but I do not know who to invite. I would like the speaker to be associated with the wall somehow.

Any suggestions?




  1. Perhaps the real Hunter 'Patch' Adams of the Gesundheit! Institute. If you've ever seen the movie "Patch Adams" (about a doctor who has a dream of a hospital where anyone who wants care can have it), it's based off a real person. You can contact the Institute at this website:

    His presence is relevant and might bring publicity to the event as well.

    Good Luck. Wish you well for the good cause.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Try contacting agent of Dr Robert Winston... Although he's a psychologist he'll probably support a good cause & you both get good publicity by his status... Good luck

  3. Anyone who you feel would provide a motivational positive story is a good choice - someone who can tell people how their donations help your foundation, and maybe tell a story related to the wall.  Maybe something metaphorical like how the wall represents the strength of the people who donate and the wall is part of the building - part of the strength of your organization... without walls, buildings can't survive... blah blah blah.. something like that :)

    Sorry for the vague-ish answer, but I don't know anything about your organization or what it does, so I can't give more than that.

    Good luck though!

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