
Dont You Think Deleting A Answer Is Just A Touch Too Far?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i answered a question about this girl that thought she was a 'nympho'. I explained to her that she wasn't, and she was basically a s**t.

So she decides to add some extra details, saying some pretty poor insults. I reply back, adding to my original answer. Next thing you know she has deleted it the whole question she asked. I mean if you are going to say something at least have the balls to stick up for yourself. So my question is...

Shut up, say nothing and just take it?

Say something and suffer the consequences if you cant stick up for yourself?




  1. i agree well she wasted 5points and you gained 2 thats all that matters. and i think its just mean calling her a s**t

  2. calm it kermit  

  3. Maybe you crossed the line by calling her a "s l u t"... did you think about that??

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