
Dont energy drinks have bull pee in em?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I kNOw you Cannot be serious asking this question.

    am I even serious answering it?

    label reading.

    it's not about the bull pee

    it's about the bull****

    is life better now with an answer

  2. wow...ur kidding rite?

    no they dont

  3. Yes, that's what gives the drink such kick!

  4. No, energy drinks do not have urine in them, though they do have many other things that are terrible for the body they do not contain urine.  

  5. Not exactly.  But close.  It's bull nut juice and that's why women are so infatutuated by it.  

  6. Yeah, they do.  And they have mouse spit and bat p**p too...

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