
Dont flush dont flush

by  |  earlier

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this blind guy goes to texas and on the plane he asks why are the seats so big..the flight atendant says evrythin in texas is big....then he goes to a bar in a hotel and asks for a drink then asks why are the galses big??? the bartender says evrythin in texas is big!! then after so many drinks hhe asks wea is the toilet....?? the brtenda says 2nd dorr to yur left...the blind man goes and turns into the 3rd door adn falls into a swimmin pool...then he screams dont flush dont flush!!!

yuv proabbaly heard this b4..




  1. Sorry about ur ;ose. but l;look at the bright side. i just got two points and hopefully ten more from you.

  2. lol funny  :]

  3. hahaha the last one made me laugh and the 1st one was funny

  4. hahahahahahahha....cant stop laughing. hilarious. we need more funny users like you who can post a really really really (enuf with the really) gooooooooooooooo(enuf with the o's)d joke! thanks for it.

  5. thats funny..

    i never heard it...


  6. pretty funny if your 8

  7. ha ha

  8. lol. funny

  9. That's actually pretty good, I have heard this one before.

  10. Ahahaha

    They're both great

  11. Hey I never heard it and it was funny
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