
Dont have long until ultra sound only 5 days!?

by  |  earlier

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i am not overly anxious just almost lol! i cant wait i will be 12 weeks what are the chances of something being wrong at this time? i mean how often does a woman have a false pregnancy where there is an amniotic sac but no baby? a friend of mine had this happen. also would they have detected something that wrong through the other tests? (blood, and pap)

i jusst want everything to be great and my nerves do get the best of me sometimes. i do try to stay calm but some days are hard!




  1. it does happen but the chances are slim.  once you hit 12 weeks the chances of miscarriage go down and to have a missed miscarriage not be detected by this point are slim to none.  there would be other symptoms that would be detected at this point.  also has your doctor tried to hear the babies heart beat via Doppler yet?  if not they will at your next appointment.  when they start doing that it makes it a lot easier to relax because you get to hear your baby each month and know that everything is okay.  good luck with everything and congratulations.

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