
Dont know how to do laundry!! so embarrased!?

by  |  earlier

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hi, im 13. my mom asked me to do laundry while she was gone, but i forget how she told me to. i wasnt that awake when she told me. she woke me up an hour ago saying shes leaving and said how to to the laundry, but i dont remember. shes in a meeting now so i cant call her.

its colors and stuff....

so i need to know

what water temp to have [hot/hot, hot/cold etc!]

how much detergent

how long





  1. Separate the clothes in three piles...all white, light/medium colors and dark colors. You can wash them all in cold/cold, but warm/cold gets them cleaner. Wash the dark clothes in cold water NO BLEACH, wash the med/light colors (in warm water if you prefer) NO BLEACH, wash the whites (in hot water to get them cleaner), with about a cup of bleach. Put in the amount of laundry detergent for each load that it calls for on the package, usually about a cup. Wash them for a normal wash load. Dry until they're 'dry', time depends on the size of the load. It'll be okay. Have a great time doing laundry. LOL!

    Don't forget to hang them as soon as they're dry and fold the towels and underwear. LOL!!

  2. i always wash my clothes with cold water.

    Put the light colored clothes in one wash

    Darks in another wash.

    If you fill the washer with clothes use almost 3/4 of the scoop thing if they are kinda really dirty

    If its half full use half

    if its only a little bit use less than half of the scoop thing.

    But if you want to use hot water use it only on whites(like socks and underclothes and stuff.)

    ONLY use bleach on whites. and only a little bit.

  3. Cold water, one cup of detergent, I don't know the settings on your washing machine, whatever a full load setting is.  Don't overload the machine!  (if you have to force clothes into the machine, that's too much).

    I'm not familiar with those settings, but I would go with ultra clean.

  4. OK get the clothes and separate them into Dar ks,mediums (not dark or light) and lights and whites. put them into separate piles. Then do your largest pile first (you don't have to do largest first but I always do) put it in the washing machine (that's the one that opens from the top) it doesn't really matter what temp. but since it is your first time and you may not have separated them 100% ccorrectly cold/cold or just cold would be best so the colors don't run together and ruin your clothes. then if it is a large load get your detergent and fill the little cup that comes with it almost all the way full (or half way if it isn't that large)  and dump it into the washing machine. then close the door and start it. if there is like a setting of regular clothes or delicate do regular unless its like a curtain or something. And when it is done (it stops when it is done) take it out and put it into the dryer and start the dryer and periodically fill the clothes to see if they are dry. while that load is drying wash the other pile of clothes.  when the load is dry fold them and carry them up to the room they belong in.

    Don't be embarrassed AT ALL 13 is a great age to learn (I knew a 19 year old that was afraid to go away for the summer because they didn't know how to do laundry LOL)

    and play some cool music to get you going =)

  5. I wash all of my clothes in cold water to save electricity but you can use warm water not hot.  If it is liquid detergent use the cap to measure if it is powder it should have a measuring scoop in the box. Use permanent press cycle on washer.Seperate your towels from clothes. Seperate clothes by whites ,light clothes and dark clothes. Hope this helps.

  6. Aww - try not to be embarassed - it's great that you're asking for help and even willing to help your mom out with chores.  You sound like a very responsible person!

    If you look on the underside of the lid on your washing machine, sometimes the instructions are on there.  I usually wash whites in hot/cold; lights in warm/cold; and darks on cold/cold.  As far as drying the clothes - if there is ANYTHING that you're not sure whether you should put it in the dryer or not, hang it up!  Always better safe than sorry.

    Good luck with the laundry!

  7. Hee hee, aw, I remember being exactly where you are now, sweetheart!

    Your best bet if you aren't sure is to wash and dry everything cold or cool (depending on your machines) because that way you won't shrink anything! ^__^

    If you look at the measuring cups for the detergent there should be a little line marking off the amounts (probably a line with a 1 for a small load and a line with a 2 for a larger load).  There should be instructions on the bottle (or box) of soap telling you how much to use based on the SIZE of the load.

    Don't panic! ^___^

    As far as time is concerned, are there actual TIMES marked off on your washer and dryer or just descriptive phrases?

    edited to add: I would use the "ultra clean" setting on the washer, that is probably about the same as "normal wash".

    As for the dryer if there is a timer you probably don't want to dry for much longer than 40 minutes.  You could check the clothes after 30 minutes and see if they are still damp.

    Good luck!

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