
Dont know what to do about my N95 8gb?

by  |  earlier

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I am in the UK

My mother water damaged my Nokia phone and it was un useable so we got a new phone from insurance.

The problem is that a friend replaced the LCD on the old one and now it works fine.

We called the insurance and they said that since you havent used new phone, you can send it to us but you will lose the £50 excess and have to pay another 50. They said you might as well keep it.

So, what do I do with my old one. It works fine, no scratches or anything, but I suppose soon it will be barred from all networks so it will

be useless (because i gave them the IMEI number)

Are there any LEGAL options.

It seems like a waste of a perfectly good phone




  1. I know here in the US it is impossible to bar an IMEI because GSM and 3G networks can't actually see an IMEI. You should be fine to resell the phone. Keep in mind sometimes water damaged phones go out months after the incident due to rust and corrosion setting in at a later date, so I would sell the old one if I were you or give it to a friend for a deal.

  2. so you fixed your old phone.. and you called your insurance company to tell them you fixed it? whats the point of having insurance?

    but whatever, put it on ebay, charge $200 to ship to the UK and give someone free shipping if in the US.  

  3. As the phone was only damaged i dont think it will be barred from all networks they only do that if the phone is lost or stolen. Give your network a call and ask if they have barred it. If they have not barred it then you can sell it. You could keep it as a spare phone to use if your new one has any problems. I hope this helps.

  4. I dont understand why they would bar it?

    Once you buy the phone, its legally yours. So if they bar it, isnt that pretty much destroying YOUR equipment?

    Im not sure really, its just a thought

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