
Dont know what to do please help?

by  |  earlier

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I live in lower Louisiana (New Orleans) and theres talk about the hurricane Gustav that might come into the gulf of mexico early next week. I'm 40 weeks and 3 days and I've been having contractions and all but its not one after the other. I have a doctors appoinment tomorrow for my weekly check up. I'm wondering if I were to evacuate should i bring baby stuff with me incase I have the baby in another city? carseat,diapers,stroller,baby clothes ect.......or should I just wait and see what the doc. lets me know tomorrow? I had surgery 3 years ago 3 days before Katrina and I had to evacuate with open wounds. This is all bring back so much bad memories. I need some advise please.




  1. i would have all the baby stuff packed up and ready to go in case things go bad i am from Louisiana and i know for a fact that st.Frances in Monroe is a very good hospital if you have to leave that is a good place to have a baby be sure to ask your doctor any thing you are worried about that is what they are there for i hope the best for you and your family just don't get suck down there if they say leave  than leave and be calm you don't want your nerves upset

  2. OMG! Honey I feel so sorry for you. YES pack some things for you and the baby just in case. You can never be 2 ready as my family says. I hope the best for your family and please keep me posted. You are in my prayers!

  3. You would take everything I thought I might need for the rest of my life.

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