
Dont know what to do....please read

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okay my filling came out of my tooth a few months ago and i figured it really wasnt a big there's this EXTREMELY large hole and there is literally a gap between that tooth and the really doesn't hurt unless I get food stuck in it...but how bad is this? how long should i wait before going to the dentist(i no longer am on my parents insurance so im basically screwed)...also what will they have to do to fix it?




  1. how long did it take for this hole to form? did it get bigger and bigger or just appear?

    you may not need a root canal, it may just be a very large cavity that needs filling.

    go to the dentist ASAP. it may cost you more in the long run if you ignore it.  

  2. I'm going to guess that you will need a root canal (no the tooth doesn't have to hurt to get one)   and a crown.  If you let it go too long it you may have a chance of losing the tooth altogether and to replace a tooth that has been extracted is even more costly than a root canal and crown.

    RDA 24yrs experience

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