
Dont know where to put this post re: motability car?

by  |  earlier

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hi i need advice for my mum, she has always had a motability car because of her health condition yet now they have sent her a questionaire saying she must fill it in +send back or else she may get her car and allowance taken off her, ive not seen the letter but i assume its to check/reassess her condition as she was first given the motability certificate back in 1994.

does anyone know if they are checking old claims now? why would they send this now after all these years? y mums condition has not changed, she is still in the same condition actually worse than she was all those yrs ago, she could not manage without her car and is terribly worried about it, is there somewhere she can phone for advice?

my mum cant walk without getting out of breath, she has trouble walking due to nerve damage in her legs/side of body, +has metal rods supporting her spine. surely they wouldnt take the car off her after all these yrs with her current health condition? is this a standard checkup?




  1. surely if the situation has not changed then filling in the form and returning it will mean your mum gets to keep the car? is there no number on the form you can check??

  2. I have people close to me who use the Mobility Scheme.

    She has nothing to worry about everyone gets these from time to time. Just fill in as best as possible. At worst her doctor/therapist would need to verify her health to them.

    Absolutely nothing to worry about at all.

  3. Claims are often picked at random for checking. However, as a matter of law, the assessments are supposed to be checked annualy.

    To have a car on motability, your mother must be receiving DLA (disabilty living allowance) at the top care rate.

    I think you will find when you read the form, it will just be asking about any changes that may have happened for the better or worse, since your mum started with motabilty.

    If in doubt just phone the number on the top of the form, they will be only too pleased to help you out.

  4. They do check up claims - even when youve been given a life award. The best thing is to go to your local CAB or Welfare rights and get them to help your mum fill in the form. They might even do home visits if your mum cant get down there. Its important your mum tells the truth on the form. She mustnt say 'oh I manage' and so on, she has to say exactly how bad things really are. This form is all the panel have to go on to make the decision, so they need accurate information.

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