
Dont know who my dad is!!!!

by  |  earlier

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I am 15 years old and i don't know who my dad is. when i was six my mom meet this guy in they got married two years later. my mom tells me that, that guy is my dad but its not. i call him dad but only because i have lived with him for 9 years. i really want to find out who my real dad is but don't know how to ask my mom. maybe she don't know who it is she had me when she was 17. or maybe it's because she thinks things will change, like i might want to live with my dad I'm not sure but can anybody help!!!!!! how can i ask my mom who my dad is???????

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. tell her that you have the right to know who your real dad is that whatever happened before you don't care and understand her  

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