
Dont look a gift horse in the mouth...?

by  |  earlier

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i know what the saying means, i know what a gift is, and i know what a horse is. Since nobody has ever given me a horse, and i have never looked any horse directly in the mouth, why is it such a big deal to not look a gift horse in the mouth?




  1. Because looking in a horses mouth is a way of checking it's health.  And in olden times if someone gave you a horse, you were expected to just thank them, but if you looked in the horses mouth, it was an insult to the one that gave it to you.

  2. People look at a horses teeth to tell their age.  A horse is a horse so to speak.

  3. One way to tell a horse's age is to examine its it would be insulting if someone gave you a horse and you checked to see how old it was.........(in front of them)....~

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