
Dont no curious and kind of worried........?

by  |  earlier

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well i had my cycle on july 5th, me and my fiance' had s*x on the 15th and 20th in which he came in me all the way, we had s*x during that time but he pulled out(yes i no that doesnt work and no we not ttc but would be happen if were). well my discharge around that time was white and milky so i looked up on the internet a few sec ago and said i was ovulating between the 17-22 i have a 29day cycle, but thats not what i'm worried about now my discharge is yellow milky with no odor itching or burning just like before but yellow.

also on the 26th i wiped myself and seen pink in my discharge then later like two blood drops like the size of a pin head. and now on the 31st i wipe again and its pink just a little

i dont get my period till nxt week on 8/3/ so wondering could i have concieved or it may be sumthang else.




  1. Well, you could very likely going through "implantation" which is where it attaches to the uterus. Which symptoms such as pinkish color in the discharge, and lightly spotting are signs on implantation. you should take a HPT (home pregnancy test). If it comes out to be negative, wait 3 days and take another. Weather it is positive or negative you should then call your doctor, and tell them what is going on and weather your test was pos. or neg. Hope this helped some! Good Luck! :)  

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