
Dont u agree nfl players get too many breaks they fall down too easily an wud get twated by rugby playas?

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Dont u agree nfl players get too many breaks they fall down too easily an wud get twated by rugby playas?




  1. they are completely different sports with completely different rules so u cant really compare the two

  2. Have you seen the size of some of those NFL guys?  Dang! They are HUGE!  Some defensive backs are so big that if they were to fall on a rugby player, their team would be minus 1 player!

    That's what's so great about American football. These huge athletic men crash into each other and pull off some pretty outrageous stunts and take a real beating and come back for more, over a pig skin ball!

    These guys are no twats and would rip off a rugby players legs and play ball with his head.

    I would love to see rugby get 'rough'!  I mean for real, body slamming and mega air flips, and 10 man pile ups!  Rugby players look good but they are NO comparison to American football players!  WORD.

  3. What a load of twaddle that last answer was, rugby players are alot tougher than those padded up poofs, how can you get tough on the field when you have to stop for a break every 90 seconds.

    Rugby is a mans game.

    NFL for pansies

  4. Nfl is an amateur game while Rugby is a man's game!

  5. Three letters

    N R L.

    American footie is Babba.   They do give some big hits out but as someone said they get to rest every 90 secs, and when they do smash someone they run 15 yards to do it.

    Their tackle technique is poor, in fact u cant even call it technique because all they does is barge into each other and put their heads down.  To often do I see missed tackles in the NFL that is because they are to flat footed when it comes to the all important split second in the tackle,  all the attacker has to do is step one way, step back and hes gone around the tackle.

    NFL Defensive players = To heavy footed grunts with no idea how to approach a tackle.

    NFL Offensive players = Finely tuned speed men with good agility and eye for space.   (I like their running style)

    All NRL & SL Players = Finely tuned Machines with exellent stamina and a proper knowledge of what it takes to make an effective tackle. On top of that they have the brains to do everything needed.

  6. yes I agree, the sport makes no sense whatsoever, I was trying to watch it last night and gave up, Rugby is a tough mans sport and although i don't know all the rules i can pretty much follow the game.  The backline players are fit, fast and agile and the forwards aint afraid of no one, gone are the days of fat flabby players.  Wossy nfl players with all the padding and crash helmets!

  7. im on yourside with that one

  8. Not a a fan of either, but without the pads the NFL numpties would move so fast the dim-witted rugger boys would see them for dust - let alone knock them over.

    But the pretty boys from the U.S. look like they'd enjoy finding the soap with the rugby batty-boys

  9. I don't think NFL players would last long in the forwards in rugby - a totally different kind of fitness is required. This said, the runners would totally out-strip a rugby winger with the possible exception of people like Sivivatu, Rokocoko and Gear.

    It's a silly question really - the two sports are totally different but if you're asking who is tougher then I think you have to look at it on a player by player level. Willie John McBride was much harder than Dan Marino for example. That's a fact.

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