
Dont u get annoyed if?????

by  |  earlier

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when a girl wear a headscarf and a schoolbag full of PE clothes and people give u those looks like u got a bomb in your bag that u haven't?

when a boy wearing a hamze and the police caught u and told u that u went to Cuba when u haven't been out of the country and haven't got a passport?

when a girl went to school for the first time (secondary) and u are surrounded with other students and a year later and they start asking these stupid questions like

did ur father forced u to wear it?

do u take it to bed?

do u have a wash with it?

and more

when students don'tt treat u respectfully when they think that u are aterroristt?




  1. well yes i sopose you could allso ask what if a person is not waering a trendy outfit too

  2. Assalaamu alaikum just pray to Allah to give you strength and patience.

  3. i don't ge annoyed but maybe i ask that questins to myself hehe

  4. I can understand how this is annoying, but I also see why they do it.  They're probably just scared and cautious after 911 happened... but it probably would get annoying.

  5. when in rome, do as the romans do.

    you bring it upon yourself when you wear a burqa or a hijab, what do you expect people to think when you're walking around covered up?!

    i am from a muslim family, but none of us wear hijab, we wear normal clothes and bathing costumes etc, then again we are VERY liberal, and half my family is swedish anyway.

    you have to adapt, and if you don't like it, then you know what to do.

  6. I'd do...if thats only answer you want...

  7. i actually don't get annoyed. i just think it's really funny how bad the misconceptions are and i answer their question without making them feel guilty. It's not their fault the media shows muslims as terrorists. Just take in a deep breath and recite the answers "no i was not born with the hijab it was my choice to wear it i have pe clothes in here not a bomb etc"

    I hope this helped


  8. yea it is annoying...sometimes i would they feel if they were the ones being called a terrorist 24/7?? some ppl just dont understand wat the meaning of "respect" really is.

  9. Have you ever heard the expression 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do?'  It would make for a happier life.  I am sure that anyone from Britain who went to an Asian country would receive the same questions.

  10. You know, i have yet to experience this, and i remember when 911 happened, i was working as a transporter, but between Belgium and Congo, and use to travel twice a week, i never felt anything wrong, in fact one time i was reading the news paper, and this old American man sitting on the other isles, starts speaking to me, and telling me he left America because of what his government is doing...

    This was when they were attacking Afghanistan.

  11. You know who you should be annoyed at.  Muslims.  Muslims have caused people to be suspicious.  Muslim fathers have killed their daughters over hijab, even in the West.  There was a father who strangled his daughter in Canada and a father who shot both of his daughters to death in Texas.  There have been Muslim terrorist men trying to escape by wearing the burka.  

    We didn't make this stuff up.  It happened, so put the blame where it belongs...the Muslims who did these horrible things and the other Muslims who have just looked the other way.

  12. It totally annoys me. Hijab is not mandatory in my family lucky me!i

  13. well i dnt really get annoyed wen they ask it sincerely but wen they ask to  p**s u off  i just get them by da neck and hit dem against a wall.........NO JK.... i dnt do that, i try to explain to them,  i dnt get annoyed because i knw they are asking to find out wat they are missing out on. =)

  14. Not really.  I'm white and british.  I always look and muslims wearig headscarf with suspicion especialy if they have a big bag or thick jacket on.  The british police have to be on there guard for terrorists more so with muslims.

    People at school will just be curios when all they can see is your eyes, maybe even scared.  

    If you don't want people to ask you questions about it dont wear it.  Try and fit into britain.

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