
Dont u hate the mean ppl on here or are they just horrid to me....?

by Guest32650  |  earlier

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just because i spelt in msn talk (like saying you=u etc) ppl jip me and say b4 u ask a question learn how to spell. they really are rude and horrid. can't yahoo like remove them

wahhhh so upsetting




  1. i think it just means that they are getting on a bit. and dont really understand what your saying

  2. These people who do this are just bored they live a life of horrid identity and have nothing else to do in the life they are lonely and will be lonely as long as they do this to people most of them are probably on the verge of committing suicide because they are Losers.So write how ever you want and if this offends them oh well they don't have to read what you gotta to say

  3. "be kind to unkind people.....they need it the most"!

  4. hey dont worry about them go get yourself a drink of something and chill for a bit!

  5. dont worry about it its not just you.there idiots who got nothing better to do or just dont undersand but its there problem not yours so chin up and dont take any notice.

  6. yo baby, don't lissen to dem haterz...u need 2 get wit a g like me...i kick it old school, u know whut i'm sayin'?...i treat u a lady should be...u wanna misspell sum shizznit, it don't bother me a climb up on in my pimped out ride...and let's take this thing to the next level...u feel me?

  7. dont worry about them

  8. well we had a meeting and everyone agreed that they were only horrid to you

  9. I am " GETTING ON A BIT" but I would not be rude to you about the way you write your questions.  I do find this new way ( text style) difficult, it takes me twice as long to read it.  However I try to move with the times, my grandchildren write things your way, so I have to keep up, it is good for the brain I suppose, like breaking a code.

    Ignore rude people, and don't you go thinking they are all old, they aren't.

    If people insult you it is because they are miserable, sad people who need to get a life, if yahoo removes them where will they go?? no one else would have them, so  feel sorry for them in their miserable lives, stay happy !!!!

  10. Oh honey tell them to go"(**** * ** *8 ******(****Uhjkdgfyfgy276378125470987)".... NO I'm kidding,.. but you know that you acn not controll everyone or anything really in general. Let them be and just do your thing. Let it go and accept that everything IS WHAT IT IS.

    cheers (GIGGLES)>

  11. They're possibly irritated because you don't want to write your question out properly, hence making it hard to understand. It is a bit tedious having to wade through all that stuff.

  12. don't be so lazy. Nobody cares how new school you are.

  13. grow up...stop whining like a spoilt brat.

  14. I find people who use texting shortcuts on here very annoying but I won't be horrible to people if they do it. After all it ain't that hard to type a few extra letters now is it?

  15. 1.  Grow up and quit complaining.

    2.  Learn to spell.  Fair enough if you're sending a text message where the number of characters is limited or you only have a certain number of keys, but you're sitting in front of a keyboard with all the letters on their own little key waiting to be pressed so use them.

  16. just ignore them there are lost of horrible people these days i have just sorted out someone that tryed to split me and my new partner up cos he wanted her to talk dirty to him its just rude and uncalled for just let it you will be fine chin up xx

  17. Just ignore them I've had plenty of people on here b that have been nasty to me you just have to rise above it!

  18. This is just scribble to me. Is your keyboard broken?

  19. i wouldn't worry too much about the small minded tw*ts on here - you'll find that the people who like to criticize others are often just trying to cover up their own flaws!!

  20. well then learn how to spell and maybe they wont be horrible you poor baby. any g kiss it better

  21. I say each to their own, I personally can not even text like that but if that is how you comunicate then go for it! Besides the English language constantly evolves and lets face it no one goes around saying 'ye' anymore, so who knows it may be that we all will be spelling like that 200 years time.

    I will say though it is only a Website and anyone being mean to you should really get a life.

  22. I think the real reason that people are not very nice to you is , that you are as thick as two short planks.

  23. They just want 2 free points for having nothing constructive to say- to them, it's a win situation becuase they get to be rude AND dont even have to use their brains to 'answer' your questions.

    It's like free money....for being lazy....

    You can report people who dont answer your questions (select 'not a question or answer') or who use obscenities directed towards you.

    Other than that, it's take only a few seconds to spell out words fully, which would just save you the agitation of rude people attacking your spelling.

    Yes, people here are very rude.... because they're not looking you in the face, all they see is their own has nothing to do with you....

  24. they're just horrid to you, babe...

  25. People aren't rude and horrid, Not all of them anyway, When you ask a question. Use the spell check above the question box. to make sure you are spelling the words right.

  26. yes, yahoo can suspend there email add. keep on reporting then as abuse they will learn the lesson later, I hate those peeps instead of answering they make people upset bec. of there comments/answers. But anyways the good thing is you are not like then,

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