
Dont u think someone in high school needs a cell phone?

by Guest64782  |  earlier

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??i am even telling my parents they can get me a cheap pay as u go plan, and i wont make that many calls so it wont be that much




  1. I got mine in the 5th grade seriously u should have a nice phone r ur parents retardss???

  2. I think it's a smart Idea for all teens to own a cell phone.  I'm not talking about the kind of cell phone made for texting up a storm, but a cell phone you can use to contact your parents while you're out and about at things like football games, school dances, or just hanging out.  They're good to have so you and your parents never miss a beat and if you call them they will always know where you are in case of an emergency.  you should offer to pay half.

  3. I think someone in a lot of classes needs one. If you are in a class and don't have any access to a phone then yes I think you should have one. It kinda sounds like you want one more than NEED one. Offer to buy the phone and the first month of service and see what happens. If you are willing to work for it or at least make a payment plan with your parents then you could probably get one. I don't think it's necessary for high school though.  

  4. wat age are u ?? i think you need one

  5. yea, you should. Why don't you ask them to get you text packages? It's so so much cheaper!

  6. if you have your license, probably.

    but if you have your parents drive you everywhere no.  

  7. If the high schooler has his own job to pay for the phone than sure they can have one.

  8. I highschooler does not NEED a cell phone. If you really want one buy a pay as you go one yourself. And use your allowance to put minutes on it.

  9. yes it ESSENTIAL! if your parents are being that cheap and apethetic, just get a job and pay for your own plan.

  10. Absolutely, everyone should have a cell phone

  11. yea, you should be able to get a cell. good luck!


    plz answer

  12. As terribly traitor-ish I may sound, since I'm a high school teen, I'll tell you this:

    A cell phone is convenient if you aren't home a lot due to extracurricular activities that keep you away for a while and your parents need to have a number that they can call to know where you are.

    For socializing purposes, frankly I'm not a huge fan of text-messaging because not only is it more time consuming, it's just plain rude when you're with people while they're just texting other people. Plus there are plenty of other ways (AIM, Facebook, etc.) to communicate with your friends. If that's the reason you want a cell phone then it really isn't worth getting it because everyone else has one.  

  13. I know I do, but some teenagers go throughout high school and never have one. However, are you involved in anything outside of just going to school?

    I'm in Beta, and academic club, and band (which forces me to go to every football game, some basketball, concerts, and competitions).

    If it's just to make little calls though, you could always use a friends or come up with the money on your own.

  14. yes.

    sometimes places like best buy have sales where you buy like a $20 minute card and you get a free cards (or vice versa)

  15. i have had a cell phone since i was 10 and i think i will always make sure my kid has one simply for saftey

  16. i think high schoolers should have cell phones, even most middle schoolers should.

  17. I couldnt cope with out a mobile!

    Your deffo missing out [: haha

    Just buy your own .

  18. As long as you can and are willing to pay for it, then yes, get a phone.

    If it's your phone, you pay for it yourself. Simple as that. =)

  19. If their driving or walking around town yes. It just needs to be a basic phone and a basic plane though.  

  20. Sorry pal.

    I didn't have a cell phone in high school because cell phones were just barely coming out. I got MY OWN cell phone after I graduated and had a job so that I could pay for it myself.

    I just have no compassion or pity for kids who think they need their parents to get them cell phones... How did the rest of us survive without them????

    And, I'm not old, either. I'm 29. So, its not like I'm a crotchety old lady thinking you 'whippersnappers' are spoiled (even though I do...).

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