
Dont u think students should have a right in what Jefferson county public school they go 2?

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Because there making in 08-09 and so on to go to ur homeschool. but if ur in traditional or private it doesnt matter. Because there segrigating by race




  1. I think how things are set up where I live makes a lot of sense. Those in the individual schools' area (as determined by a map the school district has set up according to population) get first dibs on the school. If the school has room, they accept others from out of the area.

    ADDED: Are you sure you've got your information correct? I just looked up the website for Jefferson County Schools and their application for next year's middle and high schools give you options to choose from--doesn't have to be your area school. Unless you are talking about a different Jefferson County, but they have the "traditional" program you talked about, so I'm assuming it's this one.

  2. Let's see, who is paying their income, provides the funds for their operating budget, and who are the schools supposed to serve?

    O yes, the tax payers, meaning the parents, and students of their community.

    Therefore I believe students, and parents should have the right to choose any school they think will be best for their child, as well as have local control over the content of the materials, and have direct input in any decisions made in these schools that effect their child.

  3. I think students in any county should have a choice of what school they want to attend.

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