
Dont understand football?

by  |  earlier

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im 29 m. i just dont seem to be in football or understand it. It makes me a bit of an outcast because people at work always talk about football and i can never get involved. What the h**l can i do, it just happens all the time. I find football so ******* boring! But i will want to get into it if it means bridging the gap with people, how i do that i dont know.




  1. Just close your eyes pick a team  

    and go to some live games, you never know you may decide you alike the game after all, If not dosent really matter  footy isnt the only interesting thing in Aussie.

    Start talking about something you are pasionate and interested in.

  2. Watch a random football game this week and pick a team that you think are alright just based on that game, and then start barracking for them. find out everything about them and go to their matches or watch them on tv. you should start to understand the game after awile. its easy too understand btw.

  3. I am assuming you are talking about Australian Rules and am guessing you live in Melbourne.  It is difficult to live and work in Melbourne if you don't have a team or at least pretend to have a team.  Maybe start by the suburb you live in and pick a team that represents where you live .  Now you are saying you find footy boring (well I can understand that if it is Rugby League or Soccer you are talking about) but AFL Boring??????  Well I don't think so.  You need to talk to these people at work and even see if a few of them barrack for the same team say Essendon or St.Kilda etc. etc. and tell them you would love to go to a match with them so that you can get to know more about the game.  It is the best way to learn about the game having someone explaining a few things to you during a match (even if it is watching a match on tele. ) A day at the footy can be a great experience as it is such a good atmosphere in the crowd especially if your team is going well.  So if you get on well with some of your workmates yes just say you only wish you knew more re footy and wouldn't mind going to a match.  Hey maybe even a way to appeal to the ladies too - like if any of them are dyed in the wool Hawthorn supporters for instance well what an exciting team to follow - they are showing so much promise??  Yes just express a sincere wish to get to know the game better and you should be right??

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