
Dont understand why Im always crying in my dreams???????

by Guest11036  |  earlier

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Im always crying in my dreams! If the slightest thing happens that makes me even a LITTLE sad or unhappy, I start crying my eyes out! I have no clue why, but for some reason I always get my way, because the people in my dreams always feel so sorry for me when I cry! I never do this in real life.....why do I do that???




  1. Maybe you are more emotionally attached to your dreams then you are about things in reality.

  2. Maybe you have some things on your mind that are being played out in your dreams which is causing your emotional reaction. It could be how you really feel at the present time, but you've kept it bottled up psychologically and this your minds way of releasing your pain or sorry.

    Check out this site for dream interpretations:

  3. I have the same problem, where I've woken up crying because I was crying in my dream. One time, I cried really bad because my parents were making me go back to school when I was too sick to [I did get sent home the next day]. Usually, it's after an unsettling day, or a fight with my parents, or something that transfers into my dreams and makes me cry.

    I'm not sure about the part where they all feel sorry for you, but again, depends on the situation. Hope I helped somehow!

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