
Dont want his new girlfriend around my baby?

by  |  earlier

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i was with my boyfriend over 5 years! we tried conceiving a child the last 18mths. the last two months (before we broke it off..pls not i was 10 weeks at the time and yes he knew i was pregnant then) he started going out like crazy and i started suspecting him cheating on me. after some investigation i found out he was. i confronted the girl and she had the nerve to lie to me and say they werent, that they were just friends! well it's been about a month and half or two since we broke up and from what i know they are getting serious. his family is supporting me and they don't like her nor do they want her around either. i dont know if he's being with her more on purpose bcs they dont want her around or if he really does feel something.

he said he'd be there for me at first, but hasn't, hasn't gone to any doctor appointments, nothing, just calls like once a week to see how i'm doing and wants me to text him anytime i have any baby news. which now i dont think it's fair at all.

i dont feel like he should have any rights... this girl dresses vulgar(he met her at a bar) they both go out drinking every weekend... and just because she lied to me ...

I DONT WANT HER AROUND MY CHILD! i dont want her at the hospital nor do i want her anywhere near my child afterwards. i cant keep my baby from him bcs he's the father but i do not want her around my kid.

i still love him and i may sound like a sore loser... being with her he still called me telling me he loved me and how we had to make it work for our baby(he was drunk) but the next day he acted like nothing happened. now i dont even know if i want him back...

i guess i havent put out the actual question, but am i wrong for not wanting her around? if we are not going to be together then i would have accepted that, i would have accepted later on down the line if he met someone... but not someone he cheated on me with and she knows that and she still trying to pursue something with him... my child isnt even born yet, and i feel he's already trying to force me into sharing my child with someone and i dont think thats fair!!!

I'm 26, he's 26, and his little friend is 21!!!




  1. Its a basic animal instinct to want to protect your child against any possible threat.  And by the way it sounds i dont think this relationship that he has with this girl will last very long.

  2. oh my gosh so you are a cougar

  3. Woman- keep your head high and move on~!  If you hold on to this or him it will eat you up and make you super bitter and angry- not good for baby!!  Don't contact him- let him go about his business and be thankful you are loose of a man who would do that!  He is not worth any more of your essence.  Spend this pregnancy connecting with the life inside- do not tell him when you are giving birth- if he doesn't know when he cannot be present and therefore you do not have to put a father on the birth certificate- are you prepared to raise this child on your own?  You cannot have him and hopefully you wouldnt take him after this- not good- you dont want your baby thinking it is okay to treat women like this!~  also if it's a girl you have to show her women should not be victims but rather be a strong woman who knows and enforces(gracefully) her boundaries~!  Blessings

  4. It's not fair and it's your basic right to protect your child, even if the girlfriend isn't a threat, you still have that right to not let her around your baby, and you should tell him that if he is with her when he wants to see the baby, then he can't come around with her.  

  5. You are totally not wrong for not wanting her around your baby i dont blame you i would not want her around my kid either. you can go to court if he does not listen to you about you not wanting her around your child and he can have visits that are supervised so that she wont be around your baby you cant stop her from being at the hospital but you can stop her from being in the room and all that i am sorry your going through this.  

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