
Dont you absolutley hate people who WRiiT33 LiiK33 THii$?

by  |  earlier

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i dont get it. just write normally. you dont have to make it so g*y.

ii D0NT G3T iiT. JU$T WRiiT33 NORMAllY. U D0NT HAFF T0 MAK33 iiT S0 g*y.

oh. and i also hate people who change words.

like with to WiiFF. love to LUFF.

there's no need for that.





  1. Because they think they're cool. I mean, it used to be for nerds only like 2 years ago and as you can see the internet nerds go through fads about a year before regular people catch them.

    I'm being serious, I used to type like that like 3 years ago then decided it sucked because i tried to stop using the internet as much and to not be as influenced by it. Then about 2 years later I saw my friends and almost everyone doing it and I'm like "Haha, you suck. I did that 2 years ago and you called me nerdy, so who's nerdy now?"

  2. When ya B rittin like dat, whatcha iz sayin iz I gots nuttin goin fer me but looks how kool I B.

  3. indeed

    tis mildly annoying

  4. I agree.LOL.

    And it does take alot longer to write.

    It took me a while to write like that.

  5. ii KN0W RiiGHT? P30PL3 @LW@iiZ TYP3 LiiK3 THiiS 0N MY$P@C3!

  6. I know, people are so stupid these days. What is wrong about writing like this? Well it looks way more normal and cleaner. They probably follow trends and follow their "wanna be leader".

  7. Ugh, idk!!!


  8. it has to do with beauty and style because a ton of litte 12 year olds who think they're cool type like that on here.

    and yeah, i hate that.

  9. ohmigosh. I hate it when people do that. It's such a waste of time.


  10. YES it pisses me off >:(

  11. 0M99 ii LiiK3 H4iiT PP1Z LiiK3 D4T1!1! U N0?! ITS LiiK3 ANNOiiN9!! U N0?1?!!

  12. I only write like that for texting,

    other than that it's so unnecessary

  13. Ugh, I know! Doesn't it take a lot longer to type like that anyway?

  14. it's alot more difficult, because people are so used to wirting normal

  15. i know i hate that! its so stupid!

  16. I HAT33 YUU 2..x

  17. Y34H iiT'$ $0 4NN0YiiNG 4ND iiT T4K3$ F0R3V3R !

    i just dont get what the point is!? : |

    pleasee answer mine! : );...

  18. I agree.

    It makes you look uneducated AND stupid.

    It's known as 'leet' speak.

    When people try to talk to me typing like that I ignore them and tell them to speak in English.

  19. i hate when people do that..

    well yeah its called L337 (leet) and computer nerds like me use it as a joke but its fu(king annoying when someone use that

    like some preppy blonde girl or whatever

  20. Yea, I never really understood why people do that. I guess they think its looks cool? which might make them look cool? i D0nT R3@llY Kn0W Th3 An$W3R. Plus I guess if you lack a life then you've got plenty of time t0 TyP3 LyK3 Thi3.

  21. 0MGG ii N0 RiiGHT??? iiT$ $0 ANN0iiNG... WH@T D@ CR@P iiS DER ISSUE??

    i do say luff sometimes like when i'm goofin' off or something. lol.  

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