
Dont you find it disgusting that people actually do it at school?

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people in my school have actually performed intercourse or BJs etc in back the back of busses, closets, in dark areas where no one can find them in the school. but they dont get caught.




  1. Why can't they wait until they get home? We never had that problem at my school. How hard is it to wait a few hours, seriously...

  2. Yeah it's pretty much disgusting and I don't know how people don't catch stuff like that happening... People need to growww up!  So immature and nasty!

  3. That's civilization ask your mom

  4. It is disgusting and appalling.  However these students know that they can't do it at home so they will do it anywhere else they can think of.  Many parents aren't even aware their daughter's/son's have a bf/gf.  It's not only disgusting it is very dirty, in that diseases spread like a wildfire when performing some sort of sexual innuendo in unsanitary places.

  5. yeah that's disgusting! some dude at my school ACTUALLY masturbated in class under his desk!

  6. yeah in school yes i do think thats disgusting it shows no class very low respect for thier selves and it also risks pregnancy and diseases i think peopel should wait til thier 18 till they share thier self with a partner  

  7. I saw an episode about that on the Tyra Banks show today. Yes, I find it disgusting, and once they get pregnant or STDs they will regret it. But most of it is trying to fit in or pressured buy the other person.

  8. Hon this has been going on for years.  Wake up and smell the flowers.  It is part of life.  It is not disgusting to do.  I did it on the bus the first time I ever tried and I must give kudos where they are due for a first timer.  I was 14 or 15.

  9. Yes I've heard of kids also doing this at my school.

    Very disgusting if you ask me.

  10. I remember it happened in my high school in 8th grade back in the '50s and of course I was jealous then they got caught and got kicked out of school and the girl's rep was ruined and the boy was laughed at for being caught with a s**t.

    Now I know it would have not been worth the consequences; but when any animal is in heat s*x is all that matters.

  11. Nasty little devils, aren't they? Some people have no class, or proper upbringing. It's all about hormones and the thrill of getting away with it or getting caught. Hoochies and boy hoes, ten billion strong. Doesn't anyone teach their children to respect themselves?

  12. well unfortunately they are not humans to have ability to decide good and bad for themselves... you'll soon learn in your biology class that animals( dogs cats horses and also donkeys) grow up and do only two things search for food mate(s*x) and live... those idiots belong to that category...

  13. Yeah I went to a school like that. And it is disgusting. Our auditorium was huge, so sometimes people would do it way at the top where no one could see. It especially sucks for the people who end up sitting in those seats.

  14. yea i know it happend when i was in highschool. it was outside in a place people called "the courtyard". all those "bad" girls were giving oral s*x to guys and some people had s*x. i never got that lucky in highschool. They didn't get caught either it's because the teachers never went to that part of the backyard. it was like behind the school's parking lot. i have seen weird things but i never experienced them in highschool cause i was the "good" kid. In college in happens to. My girlfriend and i had s*x in the library on the 2nd floor behind the old law books where like nobody ever goes. We've done it there over a dozen times possibly. So it happens in college as well.

  15. they was a rumor someone done something like that at my school ? so how do you know all this pervert ??? are you the victim or the culprit ??? many guys will just do that cause guys are horny and the girls get raped.

  16. agreed, schools are incredibly nasty, god only knows what kind of bacteria are crawling throughout those god-forsaken halls and bathrooms.

  17. absolutely disgusting, especially when i see a 13 year old with a baby bump

  18. Does hand sanitizer disinfect THAT?

  19. That's extremely disgusting.  They have no respect for themselves or others, apparently.

  20. not to mention in the theater room or band and orchestra room oh man and some do it in theaters it so disgusting and sometimes they leave evidence like condoms in text book(thats what my friend told me what she and her boy did) i was like omg your sick! people these days have no morals and schools should pay attention to these situations  

  21. Our Generation (as is all of em, but ours especially) is foolish, and stupid....High school, is for me, h**l....because it is the one place you are constantly exposed to the dirty, filthy, stupid scumbags of the earth...On a constant basis...

    Harsh, very....True? Yes.

  22. Record it on a camera, then sell it to p**n websites for $500 each.

  23. EW ya my friend who lives in texas would talk about people doing that. That is really gross.

  24. Yes it's disgusting.  Yes, you will get pregnant. Condoms sometime help but what if they break? Plus people in school, aren't old enough to do that anyway. They should think about their future--have a career. With a baby they can't go to school or work!

  25. I think it's absolutely appalling that they do that.  When I was in high school (7 years ago) people were going at it in every nook and cranny.....

  26. Yeah it happened once between a teacher and a student and when they found out (one year later) they supposebly put cameras all over the campus!!!

  27. Its sexually stimulating to be in a situation where you could get caught.

  28. Not disgusting, but intriguing  

  29. its life cant live without it.. in our society today you think  its bad just wait till the next generation comes up just going to get worse and worse

  30. Grossssssssss!

    People are so nasty, they need to learn how to control their horny-ness and wait til they're home!

  31. that is true of anywhere you go if you want to dwell on it. Here is something to think about...

    People do it in these public places:


    dressing rooms

    behind clothing racks

    if you work in a restaurant, in the coolers

    in offices

    outside behind bushes, trees, or buildings

    parking lots

    backseat of parked cars


    airplane restrooms

    hospital rooms



    so you see almost anywhere you go someone has had s*x there

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