
Dont you hate how everyone assumes doctors are always right?

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like my grandfather was telling my grandmother his meds were making him really sick and she insisted he kept taking it, they finally went back to the doctor and the doctor said "its the meds making you sick, stop taking them" he was a good doc and said to my grandmother my grandfather knew better than they did (ie how he reacts to something) so he was a good doc, but most just insist you keep taking it and "your body will get used to it" or whatever. i know in some cases youll get sick if you stop taking meds but there is no point in taking meds that make you sicker. :(

i also hate it when people say "go see your doc", when you ask a question here and youve already been to docs in three different countries and nothing has helped so you finally ask here to see if anyone else has any ideas or been thru something similar. or you ask when its a bank holdiday weekend and there are no docs or you would go!! (but its not urgent enough to go to hospital and you just want tips to get by until then.

i think people are deluded docs have all the answers they arent Gods.




  1. The problem with the medical world is that average citizens don't have any medical knowledge about what's really happening to them, to their health. Since doctors are the most knowledgable on the topic of medicine, we of course go to them. However, this is where the doctor gets the upper hand on the situation. Throughout the ages, doctors have given out some pretty radical remedies for illness (like in the Middle Ages, they would cut you several times in order for the illness to "bleed" itself out) that usually lead to nowhere - or death. Not so much anymore, since medical science has vastly improved. Still, doctors can be pretty vain and greedy nowadays, and will say anything in order to prescribe you something that will cure the symptoms of your ailment, but will cause 20 other side effects, or a surgery that isn't necessary. You'd be surprised that a lot of common illness can be simply solved - or at the least, relieved - by some bed rest, liquids, and homeopathic medicines.

    I'm not in pyschology, so I don't know the proper term, but people naturally listen to people of high authority - like a judge or doctors - and assume that they do have all of the answers. So, you can't really blame people for acting this way. The only solution is education and some expanded - not necessarily professional - knowledge on health and medicine.

  2. People forget its call a "medical practice" not a "medical perfect"


  3. i read those scary stories in the paper about how people die because doctorss have administered the wrong drugs

    its why i use the internet, lol

    you can get a 2nd 3rd and 4rh opinion!

  4. I agree with your point, but I've also seen the other side -doctors taken for disciplinary action when they didn't do something wrong because patients want someone to blame. That happened to my Dad and he was completely cleared of all wrongdoing.

  5. Lol! You went to doctors in three different countries Why not just go to three different doctors in the same country?

    Oh well.

    Yeah, like my doctor rushes with me, and I know that I wasn't checked thoroughly. I also hate how counselors who aren't psychologists or psychiatrists try and make it seem like you need time, or like something in your past is bothering you, when really, it's the people in your current life that bother you.  

  6. What I hate most is when the doctor himself assumes he is always right. If I hadn't have had the confidence to insist on a second opinion, and then go and seek one out despite his rude and belittling treatment of me, I could have become very seriously ill.

  7. YES!

    They are human, and they can and do make mistakes. People have died because of those mistakes. It doesn't mean never listen to a doctor, but please everyone be skeptical! This is your health and your life on the line...if you think something isn't right, check into it.  

  8. totally. most doctors i've been to are wrong

  9. I went to the doctor the other day and he said I needed a certain medication.  Well, I didn't think I really needed the medication, and besides, there were some very odd side affects.  So, I told him, "Doctor, I'd like to get a second opinion."  He said, "Ok, you're ugly, too!"

  10. Fact- Doctors kill more people than airline pilots

    Wouldn't send my dog to one.

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