
Dont you hate it how people keep bettas in small unheated vases with nothing to eat other than bamboo roots?

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Dont you hate it how people keep bettas in small unheated vases with nothing to eat other than bamboo roots?




  1. yes i hate it how they keep them min little bowls and never clean there tanks until the water is brown in those bowls they should be cleaned like twice a week or more my bettas on the other hand are very spoiled with live plants one gallon bowls and river stones they get fed once a day until they stop eating and get to see my females in the ten gallon once a week and there bowls get hand cleaned by me and they get a bowl buddies which i think are the best

  2. Yep.

  3. Yes! I'm so glad someone posted a question to draw some attention to the issue too! I have a Betta in a 55gal tank with an Albino Shark, a YoYo Loach, some Glofish Tetras, Black Skirt Tetras and a couple Silver Dollars & he is so much happier than he was at Walmart in a little bowl. I notice that Bettas who have heat, air, buddies and a good regular diet are so much more active and pretty then the poor little guys in dishes. And it makes me so mad when all the ignorant people say you can't keep a Betta with any other fish. I'd like to give a virtual high-five for everyone who puts their Bettas in a real tank like any other fish!!! :)

  4. YES!! it pizzes me off to no end!! i keep my betta in a 5g heated filterd tank with plants thankyou very much=]

  5. Yes, I do. It's really sad...the people think of the fish as nothing more than a decoration, and cram them in a tiny spot and leave them on a shelf, maybe feeding them once or twice a week. They'll never know what wonderful, curious, active little fish bettas can be given the proper care and conditions.

  6. yes. And I hate how petstores like petsmart promote it by showcasing their bettas in things like that, and those tiny little cups (boohoo if they are aggressive with each other, get a big enough tank for them to live by themselves)

    I also hate those little fishbowls that are promoted for goldfish homes, its a new level of fish cruelty in my opinion. These, and all, fish should be given adequate space to live in while being at a petstore.

  7. Not really, as long as the water is changed frequently. And I don't think that the betas really care what they're eating, as long as they can eat it.

  8. Agreed. Any living thing has the right to comfort, and for a beta, that means clean water with ample oxygen in it. I am for using only tanks with adequate room and aeration (air pumps for those unsure of what I am indicating).


  9. eh..

    well ppl keep huge oscars and other large fish in 75 gallon aquariums thinking its enough room for them.

    in most peoples opinions fish will never have enogh room, i bet you see a fish in aquariums and just try to think about something thats wrong with it.

    Bettas come from little mud holes on the other side of the globe with nothing to eat for days so them being in a bowl is a step up for them, roots are their favorite thing to eat also, as is most fish's favorite food they could live off it if they had to.. So if you dont agree with it dont buy one, sell your fish tank right now cause your probably doing something wrong anyways. but if you dont like the way people keep thier fish then turn your head and mind your own business

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