
Dont you hate the way you have to turn to YA and have no one else to turn to in a problem?

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Dont you hate the way you have to turn to YA and have no one else to turn to in a problem?




  1. From the many best answers I've had  in response to questions about friendship, self-confidence and self-esteem I do not think those people hate having turned to Yahoo Q & A.  

    Sometimes when people have a personal problem it feels good to get good advice from some-one who they cannot see and do not know.

    Some people I agree may not like having to do this but the reason they do is that they have no one else to turn to or if they do they are too embarrassed to.

    Remember the saying "A problem shared is a problem halved". Does it really matter who shares that problem with you provided you get a reasonable answer and a possible solution?

  2. i keep my problems to myself... don't need a bunch of bored foreigners deciding my problems for me... :D

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