
Dont you hate when you have a good dream it runied by waking up? ?

by  |  earlier

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it was one of my friends that call my cell phone that woke me up ugh




  1. I really hate that!!! Everytime it gets to the good part someone, just SOMEONE has to wake you up. I effin' hate the most because then I cant remember the dream...It always happen to me.

  2. LOL!!! Haha. Yes! I HATE when that happens. Especially when you're waken up by a stinkin' alarm clock! LOL

  3. at least you remember a part of it and you can continue

    *The night brings to those who sleep dreams they can not keep*

  4. Talk about it.

  5. Ohh I can't tell you!!

    I had a very happy dream (and so simple). Things was OKAY between me and ,y GF.

    I dreamed that she was calling me, i immediately woke up, and saw my phone sleeping dreaming of the same call!!

    Do not worry, she called me the next day and things now are OKAY again!!

  6. yes really annoying!ive had many a dream like that ,one in particular,where i was so in love with this guy and we were having the most amazing time,unrestricted by consciousness!

    ive heard of lucid dreaming where u can control dreams,i dont know much about it tho,sounds interesting form what ive heard tho!

    hope part two of your dream happens tonite!!!hehe!

  7. But its kind of better that way, because at least you remember part of it.

    If you are dreaming, and aren't waken up by something during your dream, you wont remember it.

  8. yea i get pissed too

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