
Dont you just hate it when....?

by  |  earlier

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people get paid to tell viewers what is going to happen in the soaps this week. I just hate it when that women (dont know her name, ) appears on the Lorraine Kelly show, comes on and tells us everything thats going to happen and she gets paid to do it.




  1. Yeah It's annoying.

    But if you don't like it..

    Don't watch it.


    I dont.  

  2. Yes, spoils the whole bludy point of watching it!


  3. omg yea! it's so ******* annoying! people should just have patience and watch the ******* show, damnit!

  4. I think "that woman" is maybe Sue Baker.  I don't mind it really - if it bothers you that much, don't watch it.

  5. these people drive me mad, but we don't help ourselves. i am terrible, as soon as i see the word spoiler i know it is actually going to spoil it for me but i still look anyway!! one of the best storylines in Easterners was the who shot phil thing and it made it even better because it was not leaked and you had to wait to find out who it is. emmerdale is doing a similar thing soon. a picture has been released showing matthew and katie being held up at gun point but they are not saying who it is, just that it someone who was in it before. it definitely  makes it better for the viewer to keep up the suspense and not leak the big storyline outcomes!

  6. Just don't watch it.

    Sometimes i just want to avoid the spoilers. and other times its hard not to know whats going to happen.

  7. its same in tv mags, spoils the suprises  

  8. well I wouldn't mind getting paid to watch soap operas!

  9. i would love that job, watching tv and getting paid?  

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