
Dont you just hate it when...

by  |  earlier

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when you ask a question on Yahoo Answers and then someone replies to your question with a stupid answer or something like 'I don't know I've never heard/seen/played/read/whatever it'.

LOL Stupid question I know just wanted to see how many people feel the same as me (and YES you are allowed to use stupid answers on THIS one) Lol0 (o.0) :'.':




  1. ya its like if you don't know or never heard of it just don't answer

    don't say oh i don't know

    lol its like ok....? and?

    my question hahah

  2. Lol yeah i know !! they just answer to get point on Yahoo lol, loosers.

  3. YES YES YES! i hate it.

    you get all excited for nothing.

  4. yeah and its bs because their not answering the question and they are still gonna get the two points for it.

  5. xD yeah............


    A-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-... now i know my abcs next time wont you sing with me!!

  6. ye they just  wanna raise there points they shuld b banneD

  7. yes, but they do it get more points. I think it's worse when they say things like "i don't know. answer mine <insert link to their question>".  

  8. well ive never asked a question yet cause i just joined this cause i just made a new email.

    ive answered...5 questions so far??

    but i usually use this site to like help me with my homework or something.

    but ive seen people answering like tht and i thought it must be annoying.



  9. yes i feel the exactt same way and its annoying!

  10. OMG i hate that!!!! i put questinos on here to get answers...not to give people easy ways to get makes me sooooo mad!!!

  11. Well thats a stupid question


    Lol yeah i understand

    if thy dont have a clue then why doo they answe sayin that

    btw i was only jokin ;] x

  12. OMG! So do I. I hate it when people do that its so stupid.. ugh it gets on my nerves!

  13. ahaha(:

    yeah, they're just doing those stupid answers because they want to earn 2 points. xD

    Yahoo! Answers is a place to give information & advice, not a place to post spam on the internet and clog up cyberspace. [x

    if the people on here don't even care about their answers, why'd they make an account anyways?! 0_o


  14. I hate that. I think if they answer a question with i don't know they shouldn't get the points. That's the only reason why they do it is the points.  

  15. I don't know I've never seen it.

  16. it's britney biiiitch

  17. Oh - really hate that.


  18. yay! free points! Yeah i hate it to  

  19. Yes it it very mean and I think its rude.

    People just want some answers!!!!!!!

  20. yes i get mega pissed off im like thanks man for waisting my time!

  21. Thanks for the permission to be stupid.  

  22. Maybe they just want to contribute even if they don't know. Makes them feel special about themselves.

  23. oh yes, but then we prolly all do it, too.

    just to get points.=]

  24. Yes I do! I mean why answer just to say you don't know? Know what else I hate? When ppl answer a question and add a link to THEIR question. Like if I had wanted to answer your question, I would've done it already!

  25. ahahah

    yes it drives me insane, cause when i see that my question has an answer, i get all excited, then its compltely useless....dissappoints me really....haha,  

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