
Dont you just hate those middle schoolers?

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like all the eigth grade girls keep thinking they are all that cause they are going to highschool! they just need to lay off and stop trying to be better then the older girls. cause they will never be.

you know what i mean?




  1. Yes! I agree! I hated 8th grade!

  2. Haha, my brother-in-law (a former jr. high teacher, now high school teacher) often jokes that all 8th graders should be homeschooled. Especially the girls. It's not any better in jr. highs where the grades are 7-9: 8th grade girls are still like that. Has nothing to do with going to high school--just an age thing related to insecurity and needing to feel strong and superior.

  3. well i've heard that women can rule the world if they just stop hating others. so stop trippin and just get to know the 8th graders.

  4. yeah really

    && the 9th graders aren't much better

  5. They will be better when you're old and wrinkly and they're not.

  6. well age doesnt tell much about how much "better" older girls are as such. and for the record, not all of us are whores.

  7. Oh well...yes, I know what you mean.  As a teacher who has taught in middle and high schools, I know that everyone goes through these stages, though.  We've all been that girl who's trying to feel good about herself, trying to not be too afraid of the next level...  You know, these girls don't REALLY think they are "all that" - - they are afraid they are NOT "all that" so they work hard at hiding it!  I think it's important for all of us to try to have compassion for teenagers.  It is such a difficult stage to go through.  No one has to be "better" than anyone's not a contest!  I understand your frustration, but take a breath -- we all need to cut each other a little slack!

  8. seriously, they think they own middle school

  9. And this is in home school why?

  10. I'm constantly amused by them.

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