
Dont you just hate when some drivers think that they own the road.?

by  |  earlier

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or they just to close to rear of your car, as if they want to throw you out of the lane.





  1. I do own the road, and would appreciate it if you and everybody else would stay off of it.

  2. yea it gets me mad

  3. yeah, i do not like them

    its like, there are other drivers on the road, duh.

    have a heart.. but NOOOOO, like most things in the world.. orpeople its all about ME ME ME ME ME!

    we dont need the drunk ones.

    we dont need drugged up maniacs behind the wheel either.

    the stupid angry jerks (NEED FREAKING CHILL PILLS MM'KAY).

    we dont need the crazy women doing their makeup

    we dont need the men fixin their ties

    we dont need people eating and getting distracted, reading news papers and whatnot.

    GET THE h**l OFF THE PHONE -those types of people.

    We really don't need those lame stree-racing hooligans either.

  4. Yeah, never a cop around when you need one.

  5. I actually love f*cking with their heads.  I'll drive them nuts for a while, then pull over when i've got them good and p!ssed.

    Science, I don't care if that doctor is racing to save my or my dad's life, he doesn't have the right to pull up behind someone so closely that he endangers the lives of even more people.  If he gets in an accident, he won't be saving anyone's life, will he?

    As for the cheating spouse, I don't deserve to die because my neighbor's wife can't keep her skirt on unless dady's watching.  And there are just as many old farts who can't manage their time as young folks.  I know, I'm married to one.  She never endangers other drivers, though.  She just makes excuses when she finally arrives.

  6. yes

  7. what I like to do, when the person behind me is right on my tailpipe......I turn on my windshield wipers and fluid for an excessive amount of time.  It sends wiperfluid over the top of m car and on to their windshield....especially if they are really close.  That usually gives them the hint to back off.  Otherwise, the middle finger works pretty good also.

  8. I hate it when I'm driving down the road and there's this really slow person in front of me that won't get in the slow lane and i get on there *** and they still won't get over. Why post lower traffic keep right if slow people just won't move over. Its the law too. At least here in Florida where its likely to get you shot for holding up traffic. So remember this if you do it in FL there's a few deaths a month from people stuck behind someone slow.

  9. First, if you bought gas for your car, you paid tax which pays for the road, so, technically the great majority of drivers DO own the road, or a small part of it.

    Second, a friend of mine who happened to be a police officer in LA made an interesting point: when that stranger behind you comes flying up and tries to 'push you down the road' how certain are you that he or she doesn't have an emergency? It could be a physician trying to get somewhere to save a person's life. Else, it could be a woman trying to race home to catch her husband with the gardener. It could be a person whose mother has just been admitted, and is dying rapidly. Point is, you just don't know BUT at the same time, you and I both know that of the hundreds of aggressive drivers you view on the road, possibly one or two have a reason to behave that way that you would accept. The remainder have an ego problem - their contrived excuse justifies their behavior.

    Consider that young people do not know how to schedule their time, so their chances of being conspicuously late are higher. Combined with their lack of experience in human interface, they become a heightened risk to those around them.

    Last, I have lived in LA, Jersey, and the desert - the folks who drive around in Manhattan work closer to each other than do Los Angeleners. A New York driver sticks out in LA, but he doesn't know he's acting the fool.

  10. Do like I do drive a truck and they hit the bumper and they are done even better if they lock on the hitch you have a new car.

  11. People should have to go to driving school to renew their licenses.  Tailgating is so dangerous and it makes everyone so nervous.   ONE car length for every TEN miles per hour is the standard distance between cars on the highway.   If you can not pass due to road conditions, curves, hills etc. stay back, you are not going to get the person ahead of you to speed up.   On the other hand if someone wants to pass you and you are barely going the speed limit, let them!  Take your foot off the gas and slide over to the right white line so they can see around you.

    Thanks for the two points and a chance to air my frustration with what we call in my family "no drivin' mfers".

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