
Dont you just love G.W. Bush stood on the steps of a church in China,No country should fear religious freedom?

by Guest55664  |  earlier

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do you think the Chinese Gov cant wait to see the back of him, with all these sly digs he keeps having ?




  1. he is a effin hypocrite and should return to US. If he wanted to talk about China's human rights, or religious freedoms, he should have done at the start of his tenure in office and then kept it up throughout his reign

  2. At least he got heard and not carted away.

  3. As long as it is Christian or anything rather than muslims, then I'm all for religious freedom. I draw the line with muslims and so should you.  

  4. Most of you people above this comment,  how is Bush so dumb when he go elected twice?  He is very well educated probably more than you are.  I dont like everything he does,  but he still the president you should have more respect,  if you lived in china and said stuff like this they would stick your asses in jail,  so be happy you have someone who sticks up for your freedom.

  5. tiedye_dude , I agre with you.

  6. Hardly a dig.  The church he attended was a state controlled church.

    There are thousands of non-controlled churches in China, but Bush chose not to embarrass the government.

    The most un-sly dig I've seen in a while!

    ADDED:-  Can't cope with the truth then?  Typical Bush fan.

  7. he cant help being stoopid, but the american public should be ashamed of themselves having voted him in

  8. It would seem he should tell that to Republican party members who are on here saying someone is a Muslim who is not. Seems the Republican party he is leader of have people that do not go for this religious freedom he mentions.  

  9. We are talking about the dumbest president in the history of the U.S.A.

  10. I think he just repeats what he's told to say, parrot-fashion. I can't see him being bright enough to have original thoughts of his own.

  11. Thats right Fast *** ..I agree,  

  12. Like the talking teddy Santa brought Christmas, the State Dept.

    loaded "standard sayings" in Gubya's straw head. Normally he can say "this is my foot" or "I love Granny"..   and as usual he probably had a few "this is my bumski" or "I ate the Christmas tree" not a big deal  BUT , I live in forboding terror that some Anthraxy genius may have loaded some  more chancy guff in Dubya's head flock.

    I seriously think that his Security Detail, should double check his loaded phrases.

  13. when you have dozens of body guards you have nothing to fear

  14. Now that he is down to his last few months in office he is getting a little cocky with the media and shooting off his mouth.

    To fatboyth:  Bush had a C minus average in Yale.  He barely got a passing mark.  He is not even close to being educated, let alone well-educated.

  15. They've probably already replaced him with an iRobot clone - thats how advanced technologically they are.. He now has the IQ of an estate agent - which is a giant step up from the village idiot he was..

  16. My favourite one of his is this gem,'People deserve the fundemental liberty that is the natural right of all human beings'.Guantanamo FFS?

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