
Dont you miss it when teams...?

by Guest60667  |  earlier

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used to play each other twice ? i sure do everything was fair .




  1. yes, Bring it back, Bring it back, Bring it back, Bring it back, Bring it back, Bring it back, Bring it back, Bring it back, Bring it back, Bring it back, Bring it back, Bring it back, ect

  2. i think everyone would agree bcoz we all know how easy collingwood have it every year. but for 36+ games a year would be a bit to demanding of the players and we would see players retire early than before

  3. Yes, but then the season would be too long.

  4. Yeah it was always good when u played each team twice, but the competition wasn't as big then either. With the size of the competition now it just makes the season to long to play each team twice.

  5. People forget that teams only played each other twice from maybe about 1967 to 1987. That's about 21 seasons give or take. I might be a year or two out there but am too lazy to google it.

    So for around 90 years what we have now has been the norm.

    I do agree with you all the same.

    If they do away with the who cares prseason that would help get 2 or 3 more hone & away games in to even it up.

    Another solution would be to expand the comp to 20 teams and play each other once. That may happen down the track but not for maybe 50 years.

  6. yes the good old days

    like when Carlton used to win a game

  7. oh well that's life,nothings fair but yeah i agree it would be better for all the teams to play each other twice-get rid of the pre season comp and extend the home and away season and your wish could be granted.

  8. That would make a long season. Some teams do have an easier run into the finals but if you are good enough to win the flag it shouldn't matter who you play.

  9. if ever1 played each other twice the season would finish at chrismas or something, then it would be too hot

  10. Yeah it would be more fair and no one can complian about having to play hard teams twice or whatever. But then the season would be too long and the players would probably get tired or injured

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