
Dont you?????

by  |  earlier

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love when you are on myspace and you write a message and you CAN TELL THEY READ IT but they DONT REPLY espessialy if saying hi.




  1. hehe.. its happened before.. funny thing is dat.. i do all da time..especially if its sumbody i dont like to tlk to

  2. omg i hate that!!

  3. I know that just happened to me like 1 min.ago before i got on here!!! =)

  4. why would you message them just to say hi. leave a comment.

    if you wanna have a conversation with them... call them.

  5. Yes it's a joy to know they love me (8

  6. I actually hate and it just happened recently. I wrote a really deep message to my brothers girlfriend (who is pregnant) and is concerned about his drinking and blah blah blah and opened up to her and she never wrote back! >:[

    I'll probably avoid her the next time I see her. So angry at her. She also allows her child to hit people (slap them on the hand) if people cuss in front of them. Which I can't help if I accidentally let an oh *s* slip and I always say sorry afterwards anyway but the mom alwaysss reminds the child to slap me. UGH.

    /PMSrant lol

  7. that's really annoying to me.

    its funny now when i think about it though, but normally i'm fumed.

  8. HIII !!!!!

  9. I love that ^_^
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