
Dont you think everything in life has all to do with luck and chance?

by  |  earlier

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the same can be said about love, marriage, a nice family life anf children too. some good men meet abusive, nasty and dirty women as partners and the opposite happens to some good women who meet violent men

Its all depends on chance, trial and error right?




  1. I was tempted to say yes, but on deeper thought it really is people who manufacture the luck or chance in the world. Not in a blaming way some religions wish to use to blame individuals for all the bad things that happen to them. But by way of human interactions and non-actions it is humanity itself which brings about both the good and bad things to everyone. We can't take responsibility for what others do to us, it is both individuals, families, societies, governments and mass consciousness which makes things happen.

  2. wrong. people are stupid and their stupidity is what gets them into those senarios. they won't admit it but more then likely somehting would have indicated it. nothing comes out of now where. stupid people like to believe in luck, cause it comforts them telling them its not there fault, when most the time it is

    be sensible work hard and nothing is out of reach.

  3. Yes. You are right. Life is a gamble and the world is a huge casino. You win some, you lose some and it all depend on luck.

  4. Words without passion are empty. Passion without rational words creates chaos.

  5. there is no fate and luck isnt real

    everything is bases on the hundreds of descisions you make each minute

  6. yeah...

    but sometimes they aren't luck and chance.

    they are hard work....

    like becoming a CEO

    it wasn't a draw of the dice where yu became a CEO

    you had to work for it.

    actually everyone has to work on everything.

    People have to work on a good marriage to make sure nothings goes wrong.

    They have to work on finding the right person to share there life with.

    I have to work on paying my bills so I don't get kicked out of my special apartment!! :D

  7. No.  Totally the opposite.  If you look closely, you will see that the end justifies the means.  There is a reason why things happen, why people choose bad mates, why some people turn everything to gold, and others go from distater to disaster.  It all depends on your awareness and mindulness of the people and things around you, and the attitude with which you make choices.

  8. I don't believe that actually....I believe it is all in the decisions we far abusive soon as someone is abusive you owe it to yourself to stop the relationship get into therapy and find out why this keeps happening.  When I say you...of course I am referring to the person that it is happening to .... not you per say.

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