
Dont you think human civilization has nothing to do with earth?

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Humans would fit more in a raw planet...a planet without plants, animals or any kind of life because the simple existence of humans destroys everything else...a raw planet made of raw rock or iron would fit more...

Humans are 100% artificial, Earth's Nature is exactly the opposite...




  1. Humans are more like parasites, regarding Earth.  Our footprint is destructive, but we would not survive on a "raw" planet as you describe.  We depend upon the Earth's resources in order to survive.  We need the plants for food and oxygen, we need animals to eat.  


    Yes, I've actually heard some compelling arguments regarding the origin of humans that included alien heritage- believe it or not.

  2. Before you accuse humans of being "destructive", consider that the very device you are using came about as a result of mankind's "destructiveness." Humans do not destroy everything we come in contact with. We simply refine and reshape our enviroment in order to maximize our comfort and safety. Every animal does this. Obviously those animals that can be domesticated are encouraged to breed while those animals that cannot are hunted and driven away in order to make sure they cannot harm us. As a previous reply stated, enviromentalists do not focus on the facts. If we actually went back to the life they are advocating for, they would be the first ones to die as they do not seem to have any other skills except talking. The very fact that they can spend their days doing nothing useful for society and yet consume resources is a benefit of our "destructiveness."

  3. If humans are not of this planet - did they bring all the apes with them. After all we have 98% the same genes as they?

    If we come from a planet with no animals and no plants = then what did we eat?

    We are of nature, we have just isolated ourselves from it.

  4. Not everyone is destructive.

    Humans deserve their right to exist, don't let the environMENTAList brainwash you.

  5. We do come from nature,we just started to really dominate it over 10,000 B.P. with the invention of agriculture, increasing our numbers as a result to the point of un-sustainability eventually. 6.7 billion people,70% of them shouldn't be alive to begin with. And I happen to be one of them.

  6. Take out the word "human" and you have described every life-form on Earth.  Whatever the life form, it destroys in order to survive.  The greater the capacity for destruction the greater the responsibility to mitigate, to be sure.  Didn't the dinosaurs you mention eat plants and other dinosaurs?  Didn't they eliminate their waste on the surface of the Earth and into the atmosphere?  Human have just found ways to destroy and pollute far beyond our structural capacity.  That means we need to be responsible not that we are alien to Earth.    

  7. humans would fit on a planet without plants or animals?

    what will they eat? people are dieing this second because they haven't a bite to eat. we eat plants and animals.

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